Year 10

Acceleration (a=(v-u)/t)

I can calculate the acceleration and deceleration of objects.

Year 10

Acceleration (a=(v-u)/t)

I can calculate the acceleration and deceleration of objects.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Acceleration is equal to the amount that velocity changes in one second.
  2. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.
  3. Average acceleration = change of velocity/time [a = (v-u)/t]
  4. An object that is slowing down is decelerating.
  5. An object that is decelerating has a negative acceleration.

Common misconception

Pupils often think that if velocity or speed is increasing, then acceleration must also be increasing. Pupils often don't associate a change in direction at a constant speed with an acceleration.

Before teaching acceleration, consolidate an understanding of the differences between velocity and changes in velocity. Discuss how an object can be accelerating AND travelling at a constant speed (circular motion).


  • Acceleration - The acceleration of an object is the rate of change of velocity. This is how much the velocity changes per second.

  • Deceleration - Deceleration is used to describe a change in velocity where the object slows down.

  • Velocity - The velocity of an object is the speed in a particular direction. This is the rate of change of displacement.

  • Rate of change - A rate of change is how much a quantity is changing by every second.

Be careful when describing directions as acceleration and velocity are often in opposite directions. State what you are describing the direction of, for example 'The car is moving to the left, the positive direction, but it is slowing down meaning that the acceleration is to the right, negative'.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which international standard unit is used to measure speed and velocity in physics? Give the symbol.
Correct Answer: m/s, metre per second, metre/s, metre/second
A roller-skater covers a distance of 520 m in 40 s. Calculate his speed.
0.08 m/s
2.6 m/s
Correct answer: 13 m/s
480 m/s
20 800 m/s
Which of these is a vector quantity?
Correct answer: velocity
A lorry is travelling along a straight road. Its speed increases from 5.6 m/s to 8.4 m/s. What is the change in velocity for the lorry?
8.4 m/s
5.6 m/s
Correct answer: 2.8 m/s
0 m/s
-2.8 m/s
How far will a wind-up toy travel if it has a speed of 0.02 m/s and it moves for 1 minute? Give the correct unit.
Correct Answer: 1.2 m, 120 cm, 1.2 metre, 1.2 metres, 120 centimetres
How long will it take a rocket traveling at 5.0 km/s to travel a distance of 500 m?
Correct answer: 0.1 s
0.25 s
1.0 s
10 s
25 s

6 Questions

Match the key words and phrases to their explanations.
Correct Answer:velocity,how fast something is moving in a particular direction

how fast something is moving in a particular direction

Correct Answer:rate of change,how much a quantity changes each second

how much a quantity changes each second

Correct Answer:acceleration,the rate of change of velocity

the rate of change of velocity

Correct Answer:deceleration,a change in velocity where the object is slowing down

a change in velocity where the object is slowing down

Match the quantities to the unit definitions.
Correct Answer:velocity,a vector measured in m/s

a vector measured in m/s

Correct Answer:distance,a scalar measured in m

a scalar measured in m

Correct Answer:acceleration,a vector measured in m/s$$^2$$

a vector measured in m/s$$^2$$

Correct Answer:speed,a scalar measured in m/s

a scalar measured in m/s

Correct Answer:displacement,a vector measured in m

a vector measured in m

Which of these equations correctly give acceleration ($$a$$)?
acceleration = change in velocity + time
Correct answer: acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time
acceleration = change in velocity × time
Correct answer: $$a = {(v-u) \over t} $$
$$a = {(v-u) \times t} $$
A car takes 17.6 s to accelerate from 0 m/s to 44 m/s. Calculate the acceleration of the car in m/s$$^2$$. You do not need to enter the unit.
Correct Answer: 2.5, 2.5 m/s^2, 2.5 m/s2
A motorcycle reduces its velocity from 25 m/s to 14 m/s in 5.5 s. What is the size of the deceleration?
Correct answer: -2.0 m/s$$^2$$
-7.1 m/s$$^2$$
-11.0 m/s$$^2$$
-44.5 m/s$$^2$$
-49.5 m/s$$^2$$
An arrow is travelling at 20 m/s. It hits a target and slows to 2.0 m/s in a time of 0.2 s. Calculate the acceleration during the impact with the target. You do not need to enter the unit.
Correct Answer: -90, 90, -90 m/s^2, 90 m/s^2