Year 10

Calculating energy changes - with complex examples (Ek and Ep)

I can use the principle of conservation of energy to calculate changes in energy of moving objects.

Year 10

Calculating energy changes - with complex examples (Ek and Ep)

I can use the principle of conservation of energy to calculate changes in energy of moving objects.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  2. In an ideal situation, no energy is dissipated.
  3. As an object changes height, change in gravitational potential energy = change in kinetic energy.

Common misconception

Energy can be lost or created in physical processes.

Always discuss how energy is dissipated to the surroundings when discussing energy transformations, even when dealing with ‘ideal situations’ in which there is no dissipation.


  • Conservation of energy - The principle of conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy at the end of a process is always the same as the total amount of energy at the beginning.

  • Dissipate - Friction or air resistance can cause energy to dissipate into the surroundings as heat.

  • Gravitational potential energy - The energy an object has in its gravitational store is referred to as the object’s gravitational potential energy.

  • Kinetic energy - The energy an object has in its kinetic store is referred to as the object’s kinetic energy.

Videos of a pendulum swing to show dissipation of energy in a dramatic way can be found by searching online using ‘conservation of energy pendulum’ or ‘brainiac energy pendulum’. NB the dangers of this demonstration should be made clear, in particular that pushing is most likely to cause injury.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match each symbol in the equations $$E_p = mgh$$ and $$E_k = ½mv^2$$ with the quantity it represents.
Correct Answer:$$E_p$$,gravitational potential energy

gravitational potential energy

Correct Answer:$$m$$,mass


Correct Answer:$$g$$,gravitational field strength

gravitational field strength

Correct Answer:$$h$$,height


Correct Answer:$$E_k$$,kinetic energy

kinetic energy

Correct Answer:$$v$$,speed


Match the following quantities to their units.
Correct Answer:energy,joules (J)

joules (J)

Correct Answer:mass,kilograms (kg)

kilograms (kg)

Correct Answer:speed,metres per second (m/s)

metres per second (m/s)

Correct Answer:gravitational field strength,newtons per kilogram (N/kg)

newtons per kilogram (N/kg)

Correct Answer:height,metres (m)

metres (m)

Which of the following statements are correct?
Correct answer: Kinetic energy is directly proportional to an object's mass.
Kinetic energy is directly proportional to an object's speed.
Correct answer: Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to an object's mass.
Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to an object’s speed.
An eagle with a mass 4.0 kg flies at a speed 15 m/s. Which of the following is the amount of energy in its kinetic store?
30 J
60 J
240 J
Correct answer: 450 J
900 J
A book of mass 1.6 kg falls off a shelf onto the floor. The shelf is 2.0 m above the floor. Which of the following is the change in energy in the gravitational store? Use $$g$$ = 10 N/kg.
3.2 J
13.6 J
16 J
20 J
Correct answer: 32 J
An apple of mass 200 g falls from a branch that is 150 cm above the ground. Which of the following is the change in energy in the gravitational store? Use $$g$$ = 10 N/kg.
Correct answer: 3 J
30 J
300 J
3000 J
300 000 J

6 Questions

The principle of states that total amount of energy at the end of a process is always the same as the total amount of energy at the beginning.
Correct Answer: conservation of energy, energy conservation
A plate is dropped. If no energy is dissipated during the fall, the final speed of the plate before it hits the ground is 4 m/s. If energy is dissipated, which of the following statements is correct?
Correct answer: The final speed will be less than 4 m/s.
The final speed will still be 4 m/s.
The final speed will be more than 4 m/s.
It is impossible to say whether the final speed will be more or less than 4 m/s.
A 0.20 kg ball is thrown vertically upwards and reaches a maximum height of 2.1 m. Assuming that no energy is dissipated, the ball’s kinetic energy at the start is J. Use $$g$$ = 10 N/kg.
Correct Answer: 4.2, 4.20, 4.2J, 4.2 J, 4.20J
A child sledges down a hill of height 12 m. The total mass of child and sledge is 30 kg. Assuming no energy is dissipated, the kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill is J. Use $$g$$ = 10 N/kg.
Correct Answer: 3600, 3600J, 3600 J, 3600joules, 3600 joules
A mountain goat with a mass of 52 kg jumps vertically upwards, leaving the ground at speed 6.0 m/s. The maximum height that the goat can reach is m. Use $$g$$ = 10 N/kg.
Correct Answer: 1.8, 1.80, 1.8m, 1.8 m, 1.80m
A frog with a mass of 0.025 kg jumps vertically upwards and reaches a height of 0.40 m. Which of the following is the frog’s speed at the moment it jumps? Use $$g$$ = 10 N/kg.
2.0 m/s
Correct answer: 2.8 m/s
4.0 m/s
4.8 m/s
8.0 m/s