Year 10

Representations of a mole

I can accurately represent a set number of moles of various substances.

Year 10

Representations of a mole

I can accurately represent a set number of moles of various substances.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Manipulating apparatus correctly ensures both accurate results and safety in the lab.
  2. Interconversion between units like grams, moles, volume, density and particles is fundamental in chemical calculations.
  3. Successful interconversion is only possible if the units match.
  4. Using the appropriate apparatus for a required measurement can help to reduce uncertainty.

Common misconception

Pupils mistake that the same mass of different substances = the same number of particles.

This activity reinforces the mathematical relationship between relative formula mass of a substance, the number of particles present and the mass measured in the lab.


  • Mole - of something is 6.02 × 10²³ of it. The mass of a mole of a substance is its relative mass expressed in grams.

  • Apparatus - is a piece of equipment that is designed for a particular use.

  • Interconversion - is the ability to change between units of measurement.

  • Accuracy - refers to how close a measured value is to the true or standard value.

  • Uncertainty - is the range of measurements within which the true value can be expected to be found. On apparatus, it is half the value of one resolution marking.

Consider extending the lesson with added challenge - include gases in the presentation. Challenge pupils to justify their equipment choice and relate it to accuracy of their 'show'.
Teacher tip


Balance, weigh boat or equivalent, spatula, measuring cylinders, dropping pipettes, syringes, water, ethanol, sodium chloride, zinc, sodium hydrogencarbonate, sulfur, beakers, boiling/test tubes.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Which of the following is a substance made of two or more elements chemically combined?
Correct answer: compound
If an oxygen molecule consists of two oxygen atoms, what is its relative formula mass (Mr)?
Correct answer: 32
Which of the following best describes a mole?
a unit measuring the purity of a substance
Correct answer: a unit representing a certain number of particles
a unit measuring the volume of a gas
a unit representing the density of a substance
To convert 50 grams of water to moles of water (Mr of 18), you would ...
multiply 50 by 18.
Correct answer: divide 50 by 18.
divide 18 by 50.
divide by Avogadro's number.
multiply by Avogadro's number.
What does the term "percent composition" refer to in chemistry?
the percentage of a sample that is water.
Correct answer: the relative amounts of each element in a compound.
the concentration of a solution.
the ratio of solute to solvent in a mixture.
Calculate the moles of methane (CH₄) in a sample of 55.2 grams. Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
Correct Answer: 3.5

6 Questions

What does one mole of any substance contain?
Correct answer: 6.02 × 10²³ particles
6.02 × 10²⁰ things
1000 particles
the mass of the substance in grams
Order the following steps in the process of converting grams to moles.
1 - Measure the mass of the substance.
2 - Calculate the substance's relative formula mass.
3 - Divide the mass of the substance by its relative formula mass.
Why is it important to choose the appropriate apparatus for measurements in chemistry?
to complete experiments faster
Correct answer: to reduce measurement uncertainty
to use fewer chemicals
to make cleaning up easier
Which of the following best describes the term "accuracy"?
the precision of the measurement tools
the repeatability of measurements
Correct answer: how close a measured value is to the true value
the number of significant figures in a measurement
If the relative formula mass of sodium chloride (NaCl) is 58.5, what is the mass of 2 moles of NaCl? Give the answer to 3 significant figures.
Correct Answer: 117 g, 117 grams, 117
Calculate the number of SO₄²⁻ ions in 34 g of Al₂(SO₄)₃. The answer is × 10²³. Give your answer to 3 significant figures.
Correct Answer: 1.79