Year 10

Discovery and uses of carbon nanostructures

I can describe the scientific discovery process and relate the uses of nanostructures to their properties, structure and bonding.

Year 10

Discovery and uses of carbon nanostructures

I can describe the scientific discovery process and relate the uses of nanostructures to their properties, structure and bonding.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Scientists discovered and isolated fullerenes accidentally, which led to exciting new possibilities in chemistry.
  2. Research into the allotropes of carbon is an important part of chemistry's history, earning multiple Nobel Prizes.
  3. Graphene is so thin that it's nearly transparent, allowing most light to pass through.
  4. Fullerenes, nanotubes, and graphene have a wide range of real-world uses in fields like electronics and medicine.
  5. Scientific discoveries have the power to change the world, even if their significance takes time to be fully understood.

Common misconception

Students may think that all carbon allotrope discoveries were recent and that these materials are primarily used in cutting-edge, futuristic applications.

Emphasise the timeline of discoveries (graphite > fullerenes > nanotubes > graphene), highlighting theoretical predictions preceding isolation. Discuss current uses (e.g. nanotubes in sporting equipment) alongside potential future breakthroughs.


  • Fullerene - A molecular allotrope of carbon. Each atom is covalently bonded to three others, forming nanoparticles with hollow spheres or tubes.

  • Graphene - An allotrope of carbon consisting of a sheet that is one-atom-thick. Each atom is covalently bonded to three others arranged in hexagonal rings.

  • Nanotube - A cylindrical fullerene, essentially a tube of graphene. A nanoparticle known for its strength and electrical conductivity.

Use a timeline graphic or have students research how understandings of carbon allotropes and their uses have evolved over time. This combats linear views of scientific progress.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the following terms to their definition.
Correct Answer:element,A substance made from only one type of atom.

A substance made from only one type of atom.

Correct Answer:compound,A substance made from two or more elements chemically bonded together.

A substance made from two or more elements chemically bonded together.

Correct Answer:melting point,The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid.

The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid.

Correct Answer:electrical conductivity,Substances that allow electricity to pass through them easily.

Substances that allow electricity to pass through them easily.

Correct Answer:physical property,Can be directly observed or measured without a chemical reaction.

Can be directly observed or measured without a chemical reaction.

Which of the following represents a nanometre (nm)?
Correct answer: 0.000 000 001 m
Correct answer: 1 × 10⁻⁹ m
1 × 10⁹ m
0.000 001 m
Put the following numbers into order of increasing size, starting with the smallest.
1 - 10 nm
2 - 10 μm
3 - 10 mm
4 - 10 m
Which of the following are examples of physical properties of materials?
Correct answer: melting point
Correct answer: electrical conductivity
ability to rust
Which of the following can be used to describe graphite?
Correct answer: non–metal
Correct answer: good electrical conductor
low melting point
How many covalent bonds can a carbon atom form?
Correct Answer: 4, Four

6 Questions

Fullerenes and graphene are allotropes of which element?
Correct Answer: carbon, C
Which of the following images shows the structure of graphene?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Match the following keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:graphene,An allotrope of carbon consisting of a sheet that is one atom thick.

An allotrope of carbon consisting of a sheet that is one atom thick.

Correct Answer:fullerene,An allotrope of carbon that forms hollow spheres or tubes.

An allotrope of carbon that forms hollow spheres or tubes.

Correct Answer:nanotube,A fullerene that can form a cylinder.

A fullerene that can form a cylinder.

Which of the following statements about the discovery and isolation of fullerenes are correct?
Correct answer: The discovery was accidental.
Correct answer: The existence of fullerenes was predicted before they were isolated.
Graphene was isolated before carbon nanotubes.
The discovery was part of a planned experiment to isolate fullerenes.
Which of the following are properties of fullerenes?
Correct answer: A reactive surface that easily reacts with other atoms or molecules.
Soluble in water.
Cage–like molecules made mostly of carbon atoms.
Correct answer: Accept electrons to form ions.
Which of the following are properties of nanotubes?
Correct answer: Strong, due to the bonding between carbon atoms.
Usually good thermal insulators.
Correct answer: Usually good electrical conductors.