Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will complete the translation quiz in Scratch. We will also have the opportunity to extend our quizzes further.


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3 Questions

What is the word used to describe breaking a problem down into smaller, more manageable sub-problems?
Breaking it down
Correct answer: Decomposition
How do you install the translation extension in Scratch?
Correct answer: Click the Add extension button and choose Translate
Click the Translate button
Download the extension and add it to your browser
Download the Translate button
Which block would you use to add a word at a specific location? (Image source: Scratch)
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Correct answer: Option 4

3 Questions

A learner is using the Translate block to translate a list of words. What will be the output of this program when it is executed? What will the sprite say? (Image source: Scratch)
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: bonjour, au revoir, oui, non
bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour
hello, goodbye, yes, no
hello, hello, hello, hello
Look at the program again. What has been used to populate the words? (Image source: Scratch)
An image in a quiz
A repeat loop
Correct answer: A subroutine
A variable
The translate extension
Look at the program again. What would be the output of the program in the 'change index by 1' block was removed? (Image source: Scratch)
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour
hello, hello, hello, hello
The program would not run because it would contain an error
word, word, word, word