To explore how to make accurate templates and pattern pieces
In this lesson, we will learn about the concept of templates and pattern pieces. We will learn a variety of techniques that will support us in making accurate templates and pattern pieces for our puppet. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.
To explore how to make accurate templates and pattern pieces
In this lesson, we will learn about the concept of templates and pattern pieces. We will learn a variety of techniques that will support us in making accurate templates and pattern pieces for our puppet. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- select from a range of tools and equipment, explaining their choices
- select from a range of materials and components according to their characteristics
- that a 3-D textiles product can be assembled from two identical fabric shapes
Fabric, thread, pins, needles, stapler, glue stick, scissors items for finishing e.g. buttons, wool
Content guidance
- Equipment requiring safe usage.
Adult supervision recommended