Year 2

Subordination five ways

I can use different joining words for subordination.

Year 2

Subordination five ways

I can use different joining words for subordination.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. An adverbial complex sentence is formed of one main idea joined with subordination.
  2. Subordination joining words are 'because', 'so', 'when', 'if' and 'that'.
  3. An adverbial complex sentence can be written in the past or present tense.

Common misconception

Some subordination joining words can join the same sentences as others e.g. 'because', 'so', 'when'.

Discuss this with pupils if it arises in the lesson and explain that they have different purposes within the sentence but can both function.


  • Subordinate - of lower importance

  • Subordination - joining a simple sentence with a second idea of lower importance

  • Present tense - tells the reader the action is happening now

  • Past tense - tells the reader the action happened before now

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of a simple sentence joined with subordination

If sentences contain auxiliary verbs, focus on the main verbs in each idea at this stage so as not to over-complicate the learning. Consider this carefully when giving sentence examples that require pupils to identify the verbs.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the word class to its definition.
Correct Answer:adverb,a word that describes a verb

a word that describes a verb

Correct Answer:verb,a doing or being word

a doing or being word

Correct Answer:noun,a naming word for people, places or things

a naming word for people, places or things

Correct Answer:adjective,a word that describes a noun

a word that describes a noun

A full sentence must contain at least one...
Correct answer: noun
Correct answer: verb
Match the following.
Correct Answer:verb,sing


Correct Answer:noun,Luca


Correct Answer:adjective,joyful


Correct Answer:adverb,beautifully


Identify the being verb in the following sentence. Jun is kind.
Correct Answer: is
Match the tense to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:present tense,happening now

happening now

Correct Answer:past tense,happened before now

happened before now

Fill in the gap in the following sentence. The __________ carries the tense of a sentence.
Correct answer: verb

6 Questions

Tick the sentence that is written in the past tense.
Correct answer: The mighty lion roared loudly.
The mighty lion roars loudly.
The mighty lion will roar loudly.
Fill in the gap. A subordinate idea __________ another idea to make sense.
builds on
agrees with
Correct answer: depends on
is separate to
Identify the verbs in the following complex sentence and decide whether they are in the past, present or future tense. This morning, the birds sang tunefully because the sun was rising.
present tense
Correct answer: past tense
future tense
What is the subordination joining word in the following sentence? 'You can have a cookie if you eat your vegetables first.'
Correct Answer: if, If
Match the first idea with the second idea that is in the same tense.
Correct Answer:I ate an apple,that was sweet and crunchy

that was sweet and crunchy

Correct Answer:I eat an apple,that is sweet and crunchy

that is sweet and crunchy

Tick the complex sentences that are written in the same tense throughout.
Sam counted the apples when they fall from the tree.
Correct answer: The hamster hid in its nest because it was frightened.
Correct answer: Sam counted the apples when they fell from the tree.
The hamster hides in its nest because it was frightened.