Year 2

Subordination with 'because'

I can stretch a simple sentence with 'because' subordination.

Year 2

Subordination with 'because'

I can stretch a simple sentence with 'because' subordination.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. 'Because' is a joining word.
  2. A simple sentence can be stretched with 'because' to give a reason to the first idea.
  3. Joining the first idea with 'because' forms a second idea that is subordinate to the first.
  4. Using 'because' to stretch a simple sentence forms an adverbial complex sentence.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that an idea starting with 'because' makes complete sense on its own.

Make sure that 'because' always begins the second idea so that pupils can hear that the idea does not make complete sense by itself.


  • Joining word - a word that joins words or ideas

  • Reason - explanation or justification

  • Stretch - to make longer or fuller

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of a simple sentence joined with subordination

Use the term 'complex sentence' as opposed to exposing pupils to 'adverbial complex sentence' terminology at this point. For teacher subject knowledge, an adverbial complex sentence is formed of a main clause and an adverbial (because) clause.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these comes at the start of a sentence?
Correct answer: capital letter
joining word
Match the sentence type to the correct example.
Correct Answer:simple sentence,Let's go to the farm.

Let's go to the farm.

Correct Answer:compound sentence,Let's go to the farm and we can feed the baby lambs.

Let's go to the farm and we can feed the baby lambs.

What must every sentence contain in order to make complete sense?
an adjective
Correct answer: a verb
an adverb
a joining word
Tick the sentences that make complete sense on their own.
The wolf.
Correct answer: The wolf howled.
Correct answer: The wolf howled loudly at the moon.
Tick the joining words.
Correct answer: and
Correct answer: but
Joining words...
can join two adjectives.
Correct answer: can join two words or ideas.
always come at the end of a sentence.
always come at the start of a sentence.

6 Questions

Match the joining word to its purpose.
Correct Answer:and,for building on

for building on

Correct Answer:but,for a positive and a negative

for a positive and a negative

Correct Answer:because,for giving a reason

for giving a reason

What does it mean if something is dependent on something else?
It does not rely on anything else at all.
Correct answer: It relies on something else to function or make sense.
Which of these ideas are dependent on another idea to make sense?
We went to the restaurant.
Correct answer: because they are muddy
I turned on the light.
Correct answer: because it was cold
Which word in this sentence is being used to stretch the first idea? 'The cat purred because it was content.'
Correct Answer: because, Because
Tick the second idea that best stretches this sentence: We took a picnic rug...
because we were in a rush.
Correct answer: because it was a beautiful day.
because the doorbell rang.
Using 'because' to stretch a first idea...
forms a compound sentence.
forms a simple sentence.
Correct answer: forms a complex sentence.