Year 1

Writing the end of a letter: 'Anna Hibiscus' Song'

I can write questions to a character using a question mark.

Year 1

Writing the end of a letter: 'Anna Hibiscus' Song'

I can write questions to a character using a question mark.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A letter may include questions which you have to reply to
  2. A further question might be asked at the end of the letter so someone can reply
  3. Questions must end in a question mark
  4. A question is a type of simple sentence that asks someone for an answer
  5. Letters need to end with a closing and the writer's name so the reader knows who the letter is from

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle to structure questions.

Spend time in the lesson modelling examples of questions using different sentence stems and emphasise this using your voice to show you are asking something. Refer to the Year 1: simple sentences Grammar unit for a Grammar lesson to teach alongside.


  • Question - a type of simple sentence that asks the reader for an answer and ends with a question mark

  • Question mark - a punctuation mark used at the end of a question

  • Adverb - a word that describes a verb

  • First person - the 'I/we' perspective

Use the same paper (letter headed paper) to write the whole letter so the pupils can see the whole product from the three lessons. Encourage them to read their letters aloud and put it in an envelope to post to give purpose to their writing.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the 2012 Walker Books edition of 'Anna Hibiscus' Song' by Atinuke.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of these words are adjectives?
Correct answer: busy
Correct answer: fun
Which of these words are adverbs?
Correct answer: bravely
Correct answer: quietly
Why would you use a question?
Correct answer: to ask someone something
to say how you feel
to say where you like to go
to show surprise or shock
Which of these has the question mark in the correct place?
What? was the weather like yesterday
What was? the weather like yesterday
?What was the weather like yesterday
Correct answer: What was the weather like yesterday?
Match the term to its example.
Correct Answer:expanded noun phrase,busy, crowded town

busy, crowded town

Correct Answer:simple sentence,I like funny jokes.

I like funny jokes.

Correct Answer:question,Where do you go at the weekend?

Where do you go at the weekend?

Which of these sentences is correctly punctuated?
I like to energetically dance when I am happy
I like to energetically dance. when I am happy.
Correct answer: I like to energetically dance when I am happy.
i like to energetically dance when I am happy.

6 Questions

Match the word to its example.
Correct Answer:noun,rollercoaster


Correct Answer:adjective,happy


Correct Answer:verb,dance


Correct Answer:adverb,energetically


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Correct answer: I like to go on rollercoasters.
I like to go on rollercoasters
i like to go on rollercoasters
I Like To Go On Rollercoasters.
Which of these is a question mark?
Correct answer: ?
Which of these are questions?
Correct answer: Why did you shout?
I feel happy.
The table is wooden.
Correct answer: Where do you live?
Which of these words could you use to end a letter?
Correct answer: From
Which of these need a question mark adding at the end?
Correct answer: How do you feel
Correct answer: What is that noise
I go to school
The park is busy