Year 1

Writing the middle of a letter: 'Anna Hibiscus' Song'

I can answer questions based on my own experiences in a letter.

Year 1

Writing the middle of a letter: 'Anna Hibiscus' Song'

I can answer questions based on my own experiences in a letter.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A letter may include questions which you have to reply to.
  2. Expanded noun phrases can help someone to imagine something or somewhere.
  3. When using two adjectives, a comma is placed in between them, such as 'fun, adventurous places'.
  4. Adverbs can add detail to how someone does something.
  5. Writing in the first person uses words such as 'I', 'we' or 'mine'.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle to generate vocabulary about places or people.

Refer back to the previous lessons in the unit where you have generated vocabulary and consider how you could use the vocabulary to describe your own experiences. Model the process of going back through the previous lesson's writing and word banks.


  • Question - a type of simple sentence that asks the reader for an answer and ends with a question mark

  • Adverb - a word that describes a verb

  • First person - the 'I/we' perspective

  • Expanded noun phrase - a group of words with no verb that adds detail to a noun

Adapt the first introduction to the success criteria based on previous lessons' misconceptions/common issues. e.g. not placing a comma between adjectives. Use the success criteria checks for understanding to demonstrate that not every sentence has to meet every element and reduce if necessary.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the 2012 Walker Books edition of 'Anna Hibiscus' Song' by Atinuke.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of these are questions?
Correct answer: What do you love to do with your family?
On Wednesday, it will be sunny.
Correct answer: Can you ride a bike?
He goes to the beach happily.
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Correct answer: My calm, patient uncle plays happily.
my calm, patient uncle plays happily.
my calm patient uncle plays happily.
My calm, patient uncle plays happily
Match the noun phrase to the sense that it best describes.
Correct Answer:crunchy carrots,taste


Correct Answer:fresh flowers,smell


Correct Answer:tuneful music,hearing


Correct Answer:blue car,sight


Correct Answer:spiky branch,touch


Which of these expanded noun phrases is punctuated correctly?
Happy, Blue bird.
happy, blue, bird
Correct answer: happy, blue bird
happy blue bird
Which of these is an adverb?
Correct answer: excitedly
Which of these sentences has used 'and' correctly to join two ideas?
I can see birds. I can hear a horn.
I can see birds. and I can hear a horn.
I can see birds. And I can hear a horn.
Correct answer: I can see birds and I can hear a horn.

6 Questions

Match the word to its example.
Correct Answer:noun,sister


Correct Answer:adjective,silly


Correct Answer:verb,to hike

to hike

Correct Answer:adverb,bravely


What is an adverb?
A naming word for people, places or things.
A doing or being word.
A word that describes or adds detail to a noun.
Correct answer: A word that describes or adds detail to a verb.
Which of these sentences has an expanded noun phrase?
I can hear sheep.
Correct answer: I can hear noisy, fluffy sheep.
Sheep are noisy.
Sheep are fluffy.
Which of these sentences is a compound sentence which has joined two ideas together?
I can see tall, shiny buildings.
Correct answer: I can see tall, shiny buildings and I can taste fresh, red apples.
I can taste fresh, red apples.
I can see tall, shiny buildings. I can taste fresh, red apples.
Which of these sentences has used 'and' correctly to join two ideas?
My sister plays happily And My brother reads quietly.
Correct answer: My sister plays happily and my brother reads quietly.
My sister plays happily. And My brother reads quietly.
My sister plays happily and my brother reads quietly
Correct the spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: I luv hiking.
Correct answer: love