Numerals 6-10
I can correctly form the numerals 6-10.
Numerals 6-10
I can correctly form the numerals 6-10.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- A numeral is a digit that represents a number.
- The numerals 6, 7, 8 and 9 are made using one continuous movement and without lifting your pencil.
- The formation of the numeral 10 requires you to lift your pencil as it has two separate digits.
- The numerals 6 to 10 all sit on the baseline.
Numeral - a symbol or character used to represent a number
Digit - refers to a single number from 0 to 9, like the digits we use when counting or writing numbers
Continuous motion - the smooth and uninterrupted motion we make when writing, without lifting our writing tool from the paper
Common misconception
The numeral 8 can be challenging for children and they may start to lift their pencil to form the numeral.
Ensure there are lots of opportunities for the children to trace the numeral 8 so they can become familiar with how to form it without lifting their pencil.
Content guidance
- Risk assessment required - physical activity
Adult supervision required
Starter quiz
6 Questions
a symbol or character used to represent a number
refers to a single number from 0 to 9
the smooth motion we make when writing, without lifting the pencil