Year 2

Character, setting and plot in 'Grandad's Island'

I can respond to the story by thinking from the characters' perspectives.

Year 2

Character, setting and plot in 'Grandad's Island'

I can respond to the story by thinking from the characters' perspectives.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. We can find out what a character is like in a variety of ways, including using the illustrations.
  2. The setting is where the story takes place, such as the island, or Grandad's house.
  3. In this story the plot is developed through words and illustrations.
  4. Reading aloud can help to bring the story alive.
  5. Imagining how a character is feeling helps us to think from their perspective, such as Syd feeling sad.

Common misconception

Children may think that there can only be one setting in a story.

Explain that the setting may change in a story and talk through the different settings in 'Grandad's Island'.


  • Character - a person or animal in the story

  • Setting - where the story takes place

  • Plot - what happens in the story

  • Prediction - making a guess using what we already know

  • Illustration - a picture in a book

Be very mindful of any children who have experienced loss and vary your levels of discussion accordingly.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is the title of a book?
Correct answer: the name of a book or story
writing on the back page which tells us about the book
the picture on the front cover
Where would you find the title of a book?
in the middle of the book
on the back page
Correct answer: on the front cover
What is a fiction text?
a text with real information and facts
Correct answer: a type of story that is made up or imagined
someone who writes books
Match the keywords with the correct definition.
Correct Answer:author,someone who writes stories and books

someone who writes stories and books

Correct Answer:illustrator,someone who draws or creates pictures for books

someone who draws or creates pictures for books

Correct Answer:reader,someone who reads the book

someone who reads the book

Based on the front cover, what type of text is this?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: fiction
a dictionary
Starting at the beginning, sequence this simple story in order.
1 - Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
2 - Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
3 - All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again.
Q5 Wild by Emily Hughes © Flying Eye Books 2013

6 Questions

What is a main character?
Correct answer: the person who the story is mostly about
an animal in the story
any character in the story
Match the keywords with the correct definition.
Correct Answer:illustration,a picture in a book

a picture in a book

Correct Answer:character,a person or animal in the story

a person or animal in the story

Correct Answer:setting,where the story takes place

where the story takes place

Correct Answer:plot,the events that happen in a story

the events that happen in a story

In the book, 'Grandad's Island', which is the second setting in the story?
the island
Grandad's house
Correct answer: the ship
Which adjectives best describe the island setting in the story 'Grandad's Island'?
Correct answer: vibrant
Correct answer: colourful
What happened at the end of the story 'Grandad's Island'?
Grandad and Syd travelled on a boat to an island.
Correct answer: Syd received a happy picture of Grandad who stayed on the island.
Syd went up to Grandad's attic.
Starting at the beginning, order these events from the story 'Grandad's Island'.
1 - Syd and Grandad travelled on a ship to an island.
2 - The pair explored the beautiful island.
3 - Grandad told Syd that he was going to stay.
4 - Syd travelled home alone.