Year 1

Writing facts

I can write simple facts about something I have learnt.

Year 1

Writing facts

I can write simple facts about something I have learnt.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Re-reading key information can help to learn and remember it.
  2. Facts can be recalled from information in books.
  3. A fact is a statement that is true, such as 'cats enjoy playing with toys'.
  4. Facts can be written in simple sentences.
  5. When listing what a cat needs, a comma must be placed between each noun.

Common misconception

Pupils may want to write the exact same sentence from the non-fiction text.

In the first learning cycle, when repeating what they have learnt, re-phrase it into simple sentences that they could write in the next learning cycle. You could provide pictures linked to the facts to guide them towards specific ideas.


  • Fact - something that is known to be true or proved

  • Information - facts learned about something or someone

  • Statement - a type of simple sentence that expresses a fact or an opinion and ends with a full stop

  • Question - a type of simple sentence that asks the reader for an answer and ends with a question mark

  • Question mark - a punctuation mark used at the end of a question

Use the hook of Lulu wanting to learn more about cats to motivate pupils and share the long term outcome of writing a report to understand the purpose of writing. You could teach the Y1 Grammar Lesson 'Statements and Questions' to support this lesson.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Complete the following sentence: Nouns ...
only come at the end of a sentence.
only come at the start of a sentence.
Correct answer: name people, places and things.
Match each word class to its example.
Correct Answer:verb,sleep


Correct Answer:noun,bed


Correct Answer:adjective,sunny


Correct Answer:adverb,lazily


Match the following key elements to their examples.
Correct Answer:adjective,small


Correct Answer:phrase,small cat

small cat

Correct Answer:sentence,The small cat looked up.

The small cat looked up.

Select the sentence that is correctly punctuated.
Lulu was excited to visit the cat shelter
lulu was excited to visit the cat shelter.
Correct answer: Lulu was excited to visit the cat shelter.
lulu was excited to visit the cat shelter
Identify the sentence that contains a question mark.
Pick up your coat.
What a beautiful day!
There are three cats to choose from.
Correct answer: Do you like cats?
Identify the sentence that uses the comma correctly.
The small grey cat looked, up.
Correct answer: The small, grey cat looked up.
The small grey, cat looked up.
The, small grey cat looked up.

6 Questions

Match these keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:fact,something that is known to be true or proved

something that is known to be true or proved

Correct Answer:question,a type of simple sentence that asks the reader for an answer

a type of simple sentence that asks the reader for an answer

Correct Answer:information,facts learned about something or someone

facts learned about something or someone

Identify the fact.
Correct answer: The oak tree is taller than me.
Shall we sit under that tree?
tall tree
Identify the question that is punctuated correctly.
Did you know that cats like hunting.
Did you know? that cats like hunting.
Correct answer: Did you know that cats like hunting?
Did you know that cats like hunting
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Correct answer: Cats like to hunt for birds, mice and voles.
Cats like to hunt for birds mice, and voles.
Cats like to hunt for birds, mice and, voles.
Cats like to hunt for birds mice and voles.
Which of these can help us remember facts and information?
reading facts out loud in a very loud voice
jumping up and down whilst we read information
Correct answer: re-reading facts and information
Correct answer: pointing to facts or information on a page
Put these statements that help you write a fact in the correct order.
1 - Say the fact out loud.
2 - Write the fact down.
3 - Read and check.

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