Year 2

Editing the climax and resolution of ‘Lucky Dip'

I can edit the climax and resolution of 'Lucky Dip'.

Year 2

Editing the climax and resolution of ‘Lucky Dip'

I can edit the climax and resolution of 'Lucky Dip'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Editing is the process of making any changes needed to improve our writing.
  2. Punctuation is the name for the marks used to make our sentences clearer and easier to read.
  3. When we edit word choices, we carefully review and make changes to the words in our writing.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that they have no errors if they have checked for mistakes in the writing lesson.

Teach them that editing is a part of the writing process that needs time dedicated to improving the word choices and spotting mistakes.


  • Editing - the process of making any changes needed to improve our writing

  • Puntuation - the name for the marks used to make our sentences clearer and easier to read

You may wish to provide pupils with work you have created for them that includes suitable things to edit. Children could do peer editing, where they edit their partner's work together and then swap roles. It can sometimes be easier for pupils to spot errors in someone else's work.
Teacher tip


You need access to the 2001 animation ‘Lucky Dip’ by Emily Skinner for this lesson.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

True or false? The climax is the most exciting part of a story.
Correct Answer: true, True
True or false? A writer is expecting a rhetorical question to be answered by the reader.
Correct Answer: False, false
A rhetorical question will always end with a ...
full stop.
Correct answer: question mark.
True or false? Fronted adverbials of manner tell the reader how something happened.
Correct Answer: true, True
Fronted adverbials of manner also tell the reader ...
Correct answer: how a character felt.
where a character was.
when a character did something.
Fronted adverbials of manner have what piece of punctuation after?
full stop
Correct answer: comma
question mark

6 Questions

What is the last part of a story staircase called?
Correct answer: resolution
Which of these is a purpose of the resolution?
Correct answer: resolve the problem of the main character
add more problems
describe the main character
True or false? The resolution needs to end the story with everything now resolved.
Correct Answer: true, True
What does the Pin Man do in the resolution that surprises Emily?
He gives her the bunny.
Correct answer: He puts her safely on the pier.
He buys her an ice cream.
What is the Pin Man doing when Emily gets on the bus to go home?
playing on a machine in the arcade
Correct answer: waving to her
going on the bus with her
True or false? The moral of 'Lucky Dip' is to always judge someone by what they look like.
Correct Answer: false, False