Year 2

Sequencing and retelling the story of 'Lucky Dip'

I can sequence and retell the story of 'Lucky Dip'.

Year 2

Sequencing and retelling the story of 'Lucky Dip'

I can sequence and retell the story of 'Lucky Dip'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. ‘Lucky Dip’ is an animated short story.
  2. ‘Lucky Dip’ is set at the seaside and takes place mostly in an old arcade.
  3. Sequencing means putting the events in the right order so they make sense.
  4. Retell means to tell a story or explain something again in our own words.
  5. Fronted adverbials of time tell the reader when the events in the sentence took place.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it hard to sequence the events/ images after watching the animation once.

Provide an opportunity to re-watch the animation. For Task A, print off the images and children can work in pairs or small groups to sequence the story on large sugar paper.


  • Sequence - putting things in a specific order

  • Retell - to summarise a story in our own words

  • Fronted adverbials of time - a sentence starter that tells the reader when something happens

  • Animated story - a narrative brought to life through the medium of animation

  • Stills - freeze-frame pictures taken from a moving image - they show one moment of the action, like pressing pause on a video

You may wish to add a slide with examples of popular and current animated movies and TV shows that your class will know to help them understand what animations are.
Teacher tip


You need access to the 2001 animation ‘Lucky Dip’ by Emily Skinner for this lesson.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Sentences should all start with a ...
full stop.
Correct answer: capital letter.
True or false? Non-fiction texts are about real-life things.
Correct Answer: true, True
Which of these is an example of a non-fiction text?
narrative story
Correct answer: non-chronological report
Which of these may require a writer to use their imagination to make up characters and a setting?
a newspaper report
a set of instructions
Correct answer: a fiction story
True or false? A fictional story should be exciting for the reader.
Correct Answer: true, True
Which of these is the first part of a fiction story?
Correct answer: opening

6 Questions

True or false? Sequencing means putting the events in the right order so they make sense.
Correct Answer: true, True
What is the name of the animation about the girl at the seaside?
Lucky Flip
Lucky Ship
Correct answer: Lucky Dip
Where is 'Lucky Dip' set?
on the moon
at the park
Correct answer: at the seaside
Which of these is a character in 'Lucky Dip'?
Correct answer: Pin Man
Pier Man
Arcade Man
Put these four sections of a story in the correct order.
1 - opening
2 - build-up
3 - climax
4 - resolution
True or false? Fronted adverbials of time end sentences.
Correct Answer: false, False