Year 2

Editing instructions for how to make a monster pizza

I can edit and improve my instructions for making a monster pizza.

Year 2

Editing instructions for how to make a monster pizza

I can edit and improve my instructions for making a monster pizza.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Editing is the process of making any changes needed to improve our writing.
  2. Punctuation is the name for the marks used to make our sentences clearer and easier to read.
  3. When we edit word choices, we carefully review and make changes to the words in our writing.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that they have no errors if they have checked for mistakes in the writing lesson.

Teach them that editing is a part of the writing process that needs time dedicated to improving the word choices and spotting mistakes.


  • Editing - the process of making any changes needed to improve our writing

  • Punctuation - the name for the marks used to make our sentences clearer and easier to read

Children could do peer editing, where they edit their partner's work together and then swap roles. It can sometimes be easier for pupils to spot errors in someone else's work.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is a recipe?
Correct answer: instructions for making something to eat
instructions for building a house
instructions for making something to read
Order these parts of a recipe, starting with which comes first.
1 - title
2 - introduction
3 - ingredients list
4 - instructions
True or false? A set of instructions do not need to be followed in order.
Correct Answer: false, False
Which of these helps instructions to be read in the correct order?
imperative verbs
adjectives and nouns
Correct answer: ordering fronted adverbials
Which of these ordering fronted adverbials would tell the reader they were reading the last instruction?
Correct answer: Finally,
True or false? Ordering fronted adverbials are always followed by a comma.
Correct Answer: true, True

6 Questions

True or false? Editing is the process of making any changes needed to improve our writing.
Correct Answer: true, True
True or false? When you edit, you decide what you will change and what you will keep the same.
Correct Answer: true, True
Punctuation is ...
the name for the people who read our writing
the name for the spaces between words in our writing
Correct answer: the name for the marks used to make our sentences clearer and easier to read
Which of these is not an example of punctuation?
full stops
Correct answer: nouns
Which piece of punctuation comes at the end of a sentence?
Correct answer: full stop
capital letter
Which piece of punctuation comes after an ordering fronted adverbial?
Correct answer: comma
full stop
question mark