Year 2

Planning to write a recount about a school trip

I can make a plan for writing a recount about a school trip.

Year 2

Planning to write a recount about a school trip

I can make a plan for writing a recount about a school trip.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A recount will involve you describing events and experiences in detail.
  2. An expanded noun phrase is a group of words with no verb that adds detail to a noun.
  3. Expanded noun phrases contain two adjectives, separated by a comma.
  4. When we write a plan, we use notes.

Common misconception

During the writing process, pupils may find it hard to come up with adjectives to describe the nouns they are using.

Teach the pupils that first we select a noun that will need to be described, then we select the most suitable adjectives to describe them. Encourage pupils to plan their expanded noun phrases first, so they can easily put these into their recount.


  • Expanded noun phrase - a group of words with no verb that adds detail to a noun

  • Noun - a naming word for people, places or things

  • Adjective - a word that describes a noun

  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

This lesson is using a trip to the zoo as a model, but you should adapt this lesson according to whatever trip you are using.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these is in the past?
Correct answer: yesterday
next week
If something has happened in the past, it means that it has...
not happened yet.
Correct answer: already happened.
been planned to happen soon.
Talking or writing about past experiences is called what?
Correct answer: recounting
True or false? When we are recounting, the information we are sharing with someone is called a recount.
Correct Answer: true, True
Chronological means...
Correct answer: in the order in which things happened.
not in the order in which things happened.
in any order.
A recount should be written in...
non-chronological order.
Correct answer: chronological order.
any order.

6 Questions

True or false? A recount will involve you describing events and experiences in detail.
Correct Answer: true, True
To add detail to a recount, a writer will use lots of...
capital letters.
Correct answer: expanded noun phrases.
Common nouns do not need...
adjectives before.
Correct answer: capital letters.
to be used in writing.
Match the noun to the noun type.
Correct Answer:Birmingham,proper noun

proper noun

Correct Answer:path,common noun

common noun

Correct Answer:Bristol Zoo,proper noun

proper noun

Correct Answer:lion,common noun

common noun

Here is an expanded noun phrase: large, brown dog. Which word is the noun?
Correct answer: dog
What separates adjectives in an expanded noun phrase?
a full stop
a question mark
Correct answer: a comma