Year 2

Reading 'The Proudest Blue' and developing fluency

I can listen to and read 'The Proudest Blue' to develop my fluency and understanding of the text.

Year 2

Reading 'The Proudest Blue' and developing fluency

I can listen to and read 'The Proudest Blue' to develop my fluency and understanding of the text.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. 'The Proudest Blue' is a children's picture book, written by Ibtihaj Muhammad, that celebrates being proud of the hijab.
  2. The story is told from the perspective of Faiza and it is about her big sister Asiya getting her very first hijab.
  3. Sounding out using phonics strategies is our most helpful way to decode unfamiliar words.
  4. Searching for a 'word within a word' is a useful strategy to decode and comprehend words.
  5. Re-reading a sentence fluently after decoding helps to make meaning of what has been read.

Common misconception

Children may find it difficult to read words that are unfamiliar or not decodable with phonics strategies, e.g. 'special'.

Pre-teach important vocabulary from the text and explore their definitions.


  • Hijab - a head covering worn by some Muslim women

  • Identity - the different aspects that make up who we are

  • Pride - the feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements or qualities

  • Strategies - techniques used to support in achieving a purpose

  • Decode - to translate written symbols into words

In LC1, the text should be read aloud to the children by an adult. Use illustrations from the book while reading the story and before each check provide the children with talk time to discuss what they know so far.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the 2020 Andersen Press edition of ‘The Proudest Blue’ by Ibtihaj Muhammad for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

What is 'The Proudest Blue' about?
Correct answer: It is a celebration of the hijab.
It is a celebration of the colour blue.
It is a celebration of festivals.
Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:Islam,a religion centred on the Quran and the teachings of Muhammed

a religion centred on the Quran and the teachings of Muhammed

Correct Answer:Muslim,a follower of the religion of Islam

a follower of the religion of Islam

Correct Answer:hijab,a head covering worn by some Muslim women

a head covering worn by some Muslim women

What are the names of the two sisters in 'The Proudest Blue'?
Correct answer: Faiza
Correct answer: Asiya
Who is the story told from the perspective of?
the mother
Correct answer: Faiza
How do phonics strategies help you when reading?
They help me understand the meaning of a word.
Correct answer: They help me decode and read the word.
They help me guess the word.
Why is re-reading a book important?
Correct answer: It supports my reading fluency.
It helps me memorise the story.
Correct answer: It helps build my understanding of the story.

6 Questions

How does Faiza feel about her big sister Asiya?
She is jealous of her.
Correct answer: She admires her.
She finds her annoying.
True or false? Everyone was kind and accepting of Asiya's religious expression.
Correct Answer: False, false
Why were people unkind to Asiya about her hijab?
Correct answer: They viewed it as different.
They didn't like the colour blue.
They didn't like Asiya.
How did Asiya and Faiza respond to the unkindness of others?
They said mean things back to the children.
Correct answer: They ignored the horrible comments and walked away.
They felt embarrassed so they hid.
Match the strategy to the reason you use it.
Correct Answer:use phonics strategies,to decode unfamiliar words

to decode unfamiliar words

Correct Answer:search for a ‘word within a word’ ,to decode words and make meaning

to decode words and make meaning

Correct Answer:re-read the whole sentence,to understand the overall meaning

to understand the overall meaning

Sequence the following summarising statements to show the order they happen in the story of 'The Proudest Blue'.
1 - Asiya gets her very first hijab.
2 - Faiza admires her sister's hijab on the way to school.
3 - Not everyone at school shows kindness and acceptance towards Asiya.
4 - Faiza and Asiya let go of the words that hurt and walk away.
5 - Faiza and Asiya leave school holding onto their pride and supporting each other.