Year 1

The theme of belonging in 'Wild'

You can describe how a character is feeling at different points in the story, 'Wild'.

Year 1

The theme of belonging in 'Wild'

You can describe how a character is feeling at different points in the story, 'Wild'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Information about a character and setting can be found in the text and in illustrations.
  2. Some adjectives describe feelings and emotions.
  3. A character's feelings and emotion can change throughout the story.
  4. Linking our own experiences to what we are reading helps us to understand the character's feelings and actions.
  5. The feeling of belonging means being accepted, feeling included and safe.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle to understand other's perspectives (i.e. where others feel they belong).

Remind pupils that one person's feeling of belonging may be different to someone else's and the importance of perspective.


  • Theme - a main idea that the writer wants to focus on

  • Character - a person or an animal in a story

  • Feeling - an emotion felt on the inside

  • Emotion - feeling or mood

When discussing the theme of belonging, consider the personal past and present experiences of your pupils to ensure they all feel safe during the discussion. So children can secure understanding of "belonging", refer back to it in other contexts.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Is Wild a non-fiction or fiction book?
Correct answer: fiction
it is not fiction or non-fiction
Complete this sentence: The author of the story is the person who __________.
draws the illustrations
Correct answer: writes the story
reads the story aloud
Where does the little girl in "Wild" prefer to be?
the house
Correct answer: the forest
she doesn't want to live in either
Match the word to its definition and example.
Correct Answer:Character,who is in the story, such as the little girl

who is in the story, such as the little girl

Correct Answer:Setting,where the story takes place, such as the forest

where the story takes place, such as the forest

Correct Answer:Plot,what happens in the story, such as the girl being taken away

what happens in the story, such as the girl being taken away

Choose two adjectives to complete this sentence. In the forest, the girl feels __________.
Correct answer: calm
Correct answer: happy
Order the events that take place at the end of the story "Wild".
1 - The girl sat under her bed.
2 - The girl broke her bed.
3 - The girl wrecked the living room.

6 Questions

Which adjective best describes how the girl felt when she was taken away in the car?
Correct answer: confused
Choose two adjectives to describe how the girl felt in the house.
Correct answer: afraid
Correct answer: frustrated
Choose two adjectives to describe how the girl felt in the forest.
Correct answer: safe
Correct answer: accepted
What did the girl do when she was angry?
She played with the fox.
Correct answer: She destroyed the living room.
She lay down in the forest with her friends.
Which is the correct definition of the word belonging?
Correct answer: The feeling of being part of something, feeling safe, loved and accepted.
The feeling of being somewhere new, feeling lost and alone.
The feeling of happiness and excitement.
Match the word to its definition and example.
Correct Answer:Emotion,The feelings we have, such as anger and happiness.

The feelings we have, such as anger and happiness.

Correct Answer:Appearance,What someone or something looks like, such as the furry bear

What someone or something looks like, such as the furry bear

Correct Answer:Adjective,Describes a noun, such as strange and happy.

Describes a noun, such as strange and happy.