Year 6

Planning the build-up of 'A Kind of Spark' including switches in perspective

I can plan the structure and content of a scene from the build-up of ‘A Kind of Spark’, using both third and first person perspectives.

Year 6

Planning the build-up of 'A Kind of Spark' including switches in perspective

I can plan the structure and content of a scene from the build-up of ‘A Kind of Spark’, using both third and first person perspectives.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Writing is most successful when it is planned.
  2. We can plan to describe particular details and use figurative language to build a particular mood.
  3. Our plan will cover two events from the build-up of 'A Kind of Spark', using a tense, anxious mood.
  4. For each event, we will describe it in the third person and reflect on it using internal monologue in the first person.

Common misconception

Pupils may feel they have to cover every event from this part of the book in this piece of writing.

Encourage pupils to zoom in on just two moments, drawing out all the details from these; this will allow them to really focus on the quality of writing rather than the plot details.


  • Third person perspective - the 'he/she/it/they' perspective

  • Internal monologue - the inner voice of a character - their thoughts to themselves, not spoken aloud

  • Build-up - the part of a narrative where problems are introduced and tension rises

  • Figurative language - the use of metaphors, similes, personification and other literary devices to create imaginative meanings


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6 Questions

Which set of pronouns is most likely to be used in the third person perspective?
I, me, my, mine
Correct answer: he, him, his
we, us, our, ours
you, your, yours
Which of these sentences use a first person perspective?
Correct answer: Miss Murphy glared at me angrily.
Mr Allison knocked gingerly on the door.
Correct answer: We stood outside the bookshop with our leaflets.
Nina stormed out furiously.
What tense and person is used in the following sentence? 'My heart is racing as I walk towards the library; the lights seem too bright.'
Correct answer: first person
third person
past tense
Correct answer: present tense
Which tense and person is used in the following sentence? 'Mr Patterson seemed overcome with excitement as he spoke.'
first person
Correct answer: third person
Correct answer: past tense
present tense
Which features of an internal monologue are shown in the following sentence? 'My legs feel as heavy as lead. But I drag myself towards the office. Why didn't I stop myself from hitting her?'
Correct answer: informal sentence opener
Correct answer: rhetorical question
Correct answer: details about senses
Which of these sentences uses internal monologuing?
Addie felt overwhelmed by what she saw.
Correct answer: I feel like I can barely breathe. Why is no-one else reacting like this?
I sat on the grass to catch my breath.

6 Questions

Put these events from the build-up in order.
1 - Emily is abusing Addie and she mentions Keedie.
2 - Addie loses control and she attacks Emily.
3 - She is pulled off by Mr Allison and she is kept isolated by Miss Murphy.
4 - Addie and Miss Murphy are alone together.
5 - Keedie and Nina arrive.
Put the elements of our planned narrative in the correct order.
1 - third person perspective on Event 1
2 - internal monologue reflecting on Event 1
3 - third person perspective on Event 2
4 - internal monologue reflecting on Event 2
Match the types of figurative language to the examples.
Correct Answer:metaphor,My head is a drum.

My head is a drum.

Correct Answer:personification,Nina's voice rips into Miss Murphy.

Nina's voice rips into Miss Murphy.

Correct Answer:simile,My feet are as heavy as lead.

My feet are as heavy as lead.

Which of the following sentences are likely taken from the third person perspective on an event from our narrative?
Correct answer: Addie sat with her head on the table.
What have I done? What will Mum and Dad say?
I feel like my blood is fizzing in my veins.
Correct answer: Miss Murphy stalked up the corridor like a predator.
Which of the following sentences are likely taken from the pieces of internal monologue from our narrative?
Correct answer: I feel like I'm watching myself from afar.
Addie leapt upon Emily with a sob of rage.
Correct answer: My mind is completely blank.
Correct answer: Why am I even doing this?
Which event might the following piece of internal monologue be reflecting on? 'The corridor is a tunnel, closing in on me from all sides.'
Addie hitting Emily
Addie in the office with Miss Murphy
Correct answer: Addie walking towards the office
Addie seeing Emily with the thesaurus

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