Year 6

Writing the first half of the build-up of 'A Kind of Spark'

I can write the first half of a section of the build-up in ‘A Kind of Spark’, switching between a third person perspective and internal monologue.

Year 6

Writing the first half of the build-up of 'A Kind of Spark'

I can write the first half of a section of the build-up in ‘A Kind of Spark’, switching between a third person perspective and internal monologue.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. We are writing about an event from the build-up, using a third person perspective.
  2. We are then using internal monologue to reflect on the same event from Addie's perspective.
  3. Using a plan and orally rehearsing our writing helps us to do our best writing.
  4. We should aim to use a complete range of sentence types and language features in our writing.

Common misconception

Pupils may be accustomed to teacher modelling of written work.

Ensure plenty of time for oral rehearsal and encourage pupils to constantly refer back to their plan.


  • Build-up - the part of a narrative where problems are introduced and tension rises

  • Third person perspective - the 'he/she/it/they' perspective

  • Internal monologue - the inner voice of a character - their thoughts to themselves, not spoken aloud

  • Figurative language - the use of metaphors, similes, personification and other literary devices to create imaginative meanings


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6 Questions

Put these events from Izzy's narrative in order.
1 - Addie sees the word in the thesaurus.
2 - Addie hears Emily mention Keedie.
3 - Addie feels like she's floating.
4 - Addie is hitting Emily.
5 - Mr Allison pulls Addie off Emily.
Which of these elements of our planned narrative will come first?
third person perspective on Event 2
internal monologue reflecting on Event 1
internal monologue reflecting on Event 2
Correct answer: third person perspective on Event 1
Match these types of figurative language to their examples.
Correct Answer:personification,The word leered up at her from the book.

The word leered up at her from the book.

Correct Answer:metaphor,Addie was a boat cut from its moorings, floating out to sea.

Addie was a boat cut from its moorings, floating out to sea.

Correct Answer:simile,The children stood as still as statues as Emily spoke.

The children stood as still as statues as Emily spoke.

Which of the following sentences are likely taken from the third person perspective on an event from our narrative?
I feel as if my body is no longer under my control.
What's going to happen? Am I going to be suspended?
Correct answer: Addie felt as if her body was no longer under control.
Correct answer: Why had no-one stopped Emily? What had Addie ever done to her?
Which of the following sentences are likely taken from the pieces of internal monologue from our narrative?
Correct answer: I want to stop. But I can't. I just can't.
Correct answer: Why am I doing this?
Correct answer: The corridor - the endless corridor - stretches in front of me.
Addie felt the lights glaring down at her.
Which event might the following piece of internal monologue be reflecting on? 'As she glares down at me, I feel completely alone.'
Addie hitting Emily
Correct answer: Addie in the office with Miss Murphy
Addie walking towards the office
Addie seeing Emily with the thesaurus

6 Questions

Which sections of our narrative have we written in this lesson?
Correct answer: third person perspective on Event 1
third person perspective on Event 2
Correct answer: internal monologue reflecting on Event 1
internal monologue reflecting on Event 2
Which language feature is shown in the following sentence? 'As Addie slouched on a desk in the corner, other children whispered to each other.'
relative complex sentence
Correct answer: adverbial complex sentence
non-finite (-ing) complex sentence
compound sentence
What is the purpose of the colon in the following sentence? 'Addie looked away: she couldn't bear to see the word any longer.'
to introduce a question
to connect two complete sentences
Correct answer: to introduce an explanation
to follow an explanation
Which type of figurative language is used in the following sentence? 'I feel like a cloud being blown across the sky.'
Correct answer: simile
What features of internal monologue are shown in the following sentence? 'I want to explain it to her ... But I can't. I just can't.'
Correct answer: ellipsis
Correct answer: informal sentence opener
Correct answer: repetition
Correct answer: contractions
rhetorical questions
What is the purpose of orally rehearsing our writing?
to say exactly what we will eventually write
to say exactly what is on our plan
Correct answer: to come up with first ideas for how to make our plan into complete sentences

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