Year 4

Writing a section about Ancient Greek religion for a non-chronological report

I can use my plan to write a section about Ancient Greek religion.

Year 4

Writing a section about Ancient Greek religion for a non-chronological report

I can use my plan to write a section about Ancient Greek religion.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A subheading signals to the reader what the section is about.
  2. Careful selection of nouns and pronouns ensures cohesion within sentences and across sections of the report.
  3. A section about one feature of the report's subject contains specific facts and information to keep the reader engaged.
  4. Writers choose varied fronted adverbials and different sentence types to ensure the text flows for the reader.
  5. Sentences should be said aloud before writing to ensure they make sense and read back once written to check for errors.

Common misconception

Pupils copy notes directly from their plans without forming full sentences.

Pupils should say the sentence aloud first, then write it out. Finally, pupils should check their writing for sense and punctuation.


  • Subheading - a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

Encourage pupils to practise writing their sentences on mini-whiteboards after saying their sentences aloud.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentence needs a question mark at the end?
Correct answer: Where was the first Olympic Games held
The Olympic Games is a sporting event
How exciting it is to take part in the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games was dedicated to the god Zeus
Which sentence would best suit ending with an exclamation mark?
Where was the first Olympic Games held
The Olympic Games is a sporting event
Correct answer: How exciting it is to take part in the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games was dedicated to the god Zeus
Match the tense to its corresponding sentence.
Correct Answer:Present tense,The Olympic Games are in Olympia.

The Olympic Games are in Olympia.

Correct Answer:Past tense,The Olympic Games were in Olympia.

The Olympic Games were in Olympia.

Correct Answer:Future tense,The Olympic Games will be in Olympia.

The Olympic Games will be in Olympia.

Which co-ordinating conjunction completes this sentence? "Ancient Greeks had a belief system centred around gods and goddesses __________ this played a significant role in their daily lives."
, but
, or
Correct answer: and
Look at this clause: "because they wanted to honour the god Zeus". What type of clause is this?
Correct Answer: subordinate, dependent, adverbial subordinate, adverbial, Subordinate
Tick the sentences that are main clauses.
But not where all the gods lived.
Correct answer: Myths are traditional stories.
Because of their importance to the Greeks.
Correct answer: It was where the Olympian gods lived.

6 Questions

When we write, we always try to do which of these things?
Only showcase one sentence type.
Correct answer: Showcase each sentence type we know.
Correct answer: Plan and say each sentence before we write it.
Do not say any sentences before we write them.
Which of these sentences is relevant to a non-chronological report about Ancient Greeks?
Overlooking the fields, a peaceful village nestled into the valley.
I am a strong, courageous Ancient Greek warrior.
Correct answer: Ancient Greeks believed that the Olympian gods lived on Mount Olympus.
What is the definition of a subheading?
Correct answer: A subheading is a word, phrase or sentence used to introduce part of a text.
A subheading is a word, phrase or sentence used to describe a picture.
A subheading is a word, phrase or sentence used to label a picture.
A subheading is the main body of the text.
Which question is suitable for the subheading of a section about Ancient Greek religion?
What were the names of all the Ancient Greek gods?
What myths did Ancient Greeks like?
Correct answer: What were the religious beliefs of the Ancient Greeks?
Match the type of fronted adverbial to the exmaples.
Correct Answer:Fronted adverbial of cause,As a consequence,

As a consequence,

Correct Answer:Formal fronted adverbial,However,


Correct Answer:Viewpoint fronted adverbial,Impressively,


Which sentence could follow this sentence? "The Ancient Greeks celebrated numerous religious festivals."
Correct answer: As a result, the Games were dedicated to the king of the gods, Zeus.
However, the Games were dedicated to the king of the gods, Zeus.
Despite this, the Games were dedicated to the king of the gods, Zeus.