Year 6

Presenting our knowledge related to early Islamic civilisation

I can use my research about early Islamic civilisation to present my learning.

Year 6

Presenting our knowledge related to early Islamic civilisation

I can use my research about early Islamic civilisation to present my learning.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Presenting involves speaking in front of others and listening to others.
  2. Presenting includes voice projection, speaking with clear diction, making eye contact and using strong body language.
  3. Voice projection is not the same as shouting.
  4. Practising pronouncing tricky words helps develop clear diction when presenting.

Common misconception

Pupils may speak very quickly, quietly and not look up from their page when presenting their learning.

Techniques for effective presenting are explicitly identified, explained and modelled throughout both learning cycles.


  • Presenting - speaking in front of others and listening to others

  • Projection - speaking powerfully and clearly

  • Diction - pronouncing words clearly

  • Eye contact - looking into the eyes of the people in an audience

  • Body language - how we use our posture and gestures to communicate meaning, confidence and feelings

Show pupils diagrams and drawings of the city of Baghdad to support them in constructing their own models. Strong cardboard can be used to construct the circular walls and gates. Sugar paper can be used to attach the structure to.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is an audience?
Correct answer: a group of people who watch or listen to something
a group of people who perform on stage
a group of people playing
What should an audience do when they are watching a presentation?
Correct answer: listen to the presentation
talk to their partner throughout the presentation
read their book during the presentation
Correct answer: look at the presenter
What is the purpose of an essay?
to tell the reader a story
to record thoughts and feelings
Correct answer: to inform the reader about a particular topic or issue
Which of these words would be found in an essay about early Islamic civilisation?
Correct answer: Baghdad
Correct answer: caliphate
Correct answer: Islam
What helps effective presenting?
Correct answer: speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear
Correct answer: pronouncing words correctly
telling jokes
Correct answer: eye contact
Correct answer: confident body language
'Polysyllabic' words are ...
words with one syllable.
Correct answer: words with more than one syllable.
words with more vowels than consonants.

6 Questions

Which of these are appropriate explanations of 'presenting'?
Correct answer: Presenting can be an important final stage of the writing process.
Presenting always involves learning a piece of writing off by heart.
Correct answer: Presenting can be a way of sharing information with others.
Correct answer: Presenting involves speaking in front of others and listening to others.
Match the presenting techniques to their definitions:
Correct Answer:projection,involves speaking powerfully and clearly

involves speaking powerfully and clearly

Correct Answer:diction,involves pronouncing words clearly

involves pronouncing words clearly

Correct Answer:eye contact,involves looking into the eyes of the people in our audience

involves looking into the eyes of the people in our audience

Correct Answer:body language,how we use our posture and gestures to convey meaning

how we use our posture and gestures to convey meaning

Fill in the gap. 'When projecting our voices, we need to use deep breaths and use the __________ in our stomachs to help us speak.'
Correct answer: muscles
Fill in the gap. '__________ involves pronouncing words clearly. It is very important because our audience needs to be able to understand what we are saying.'
Correct answer: Diction
Eye contact
Body language
Which of these are aspects of confident body language when presenting?
Correct answer: shoulders back
Correct answer: feet shoulder-width apart
pronouncing words clearly
Correct answer: chin up when speaking
Match the four pillars of Baghdad to their meanings:
Correct Answer:defence,difficult to penetrate

difficult to penetrate

Correct Answer:community,welcoming


Correct Answer:religion,symbolic of heavens and Earth

symbolic of heavens and Earth

Correct Answer:government,central to city

central to city