Year 4

Editing the second half of a non-chronological report about anglerfish

I can edit the second section and conclusion of a non-chronological report.

Year 4

Editing the second half of a non-chronological report about anglerfish

I can edit the second section and conclusion of a non-chronological report.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Editing is the process of making changes to improve writing.
  2. When editing punctuation, missing or incorrect punctuation, like capital letters, full stops and commas, is checked.
  3. When editing sentence structure, the flow of sentences and the variety of sentence types used are checked.
  4. When editing language, word and phrase choices are checked to ensure they meet the tone required.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that editing means only correcting spelling and improving handwriting.

Editing involves improving punctuation, language choices and sentence structure to ensure that the writing meets its purpose.


  • Editing - the process of improving writing to ensure coherence and overall quality

  • Punctuation - a set of standardised symbols and marks used in written language to structure sentences

  • Sentence structure - the way words are arranged within a sentence to convey meaning

  • Language - the use of specific words and phrases to convey meaning

Provide pupils with a word bank so that they can up-level and improve their language choices. Allow them opportunities to practise editing on mini-whiteboards.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentence is accurately punctuated with capital letters and full stops?
The Anglerfish is known for its Bioluminescent lure dangling from its head.
the anglerfish is known for its bioluminescent lure dangling from its head
Correct answer: The anglerfish is known for its bioluminescent lure dangling from its head.
The anglerfish, is known for its bioluminescent lure, dangling from its head.
Which sentence is accurately punctuated with commas?
Correct answer: The anglerfish has sharp teeth, an expandable stomach and a bioluminescent lure.
The anglerfish has sharp teeth an expandable stomach, and a bioluminescent lure.
The anglerfish has sharp teeth, an expandable stomach, and a bioluminescent lure
Which pair of adjectives would best fit this sentence? The __________, __________ lure that hangs from its head distinguishes the anglerfish in the dark depths of the ocean.
rough, mottled
Correct answer: mesmerising, bioluminescent
metallic, sharp
Match the adjectives to the respective body parts of an anglerfish.
Correct Answer:glowing, elongated,illicium


Correct Answer:expandable, flexible,stomach


Correct Answer:sharp, razor-like,teeth


Correct Answer:scaly, mottled,skin


What type of clause is this? 'which belongs to a wide variety of species'
Correct answer: relative
What is the relative clause that fits this relative complex sentence? 'The anglerfish, __________, possesses a bioluminescent lure to attract prey in its dark habitat.'
which primarily feeds on small fish and crustaceans
Correct answer: which resides in the depths of the ocean
which has a unique reproduction approach

6 Questions

What is the adjective in this sentence? 'Some of these remarkable creatures are found below sea level.'
Correct Answer: remarkable
Which conjunction fits this sentence in the conclusion of a non-chronological report? 'Visit your local library, __________ use the internet.'
Correct answer: or
Which conjunction fits this sentence? 'Interestingly, the anglerfish diet is carnivorous __________ it consumes small sea animals.'
even though
Correct answer: and
What is the correct verb form in this sentence? 'There are over two hundred different anglerfish species that __________ in all oceanic habitats.'
Correct answer: live
What is the correct verb form in this sentence? 'Interestingly, the anglerfish diet __________ carnivorous.'
will be
Correct answer: is
Match the fronted adverbial to the example.
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,As a consequence, the anglerfish is able to eat large prey.

As a consequence, the anglerfish is able to eat large prey.

Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,Interestingly, the anglerfish's diet is carnivorous.

Interestingly, the anglerfish's diet is carnivorous.

Correct Answer:formal fronted adverbial,In conclusion, the anglerfish is a remarkable creature.

In conclusion, the anglerfish is a remarkable creature.