Year 4

Planning a section about anglerfish appearance for a non-chronological report

I can plan the appearance section of a non-chronological report about anglerfish.

Year 4

Planning a section about anglerfish appearance for a non-chronological report

I can plan the appearance section of a non-chronological report about anglerfish.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The plan includes keywords and subject-specific vocabulary related to the section.
  2. Taking notes is a skill.
  3. Notes should not be written in full sentences and bullet points can be used to order notes.
  4. Key vocabulary and linguistic devices should be logged in a plan.
  5. The plan should be clearly structured in the order of the section.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and plans should be written in full sentences.

Planning should log key vocabulary, linguistic devices and be written in note-from using bullet points.


  • Subject-specific vocabulary - vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject

  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

Pupils will need additional teaching around adaptations in a wider variety of animals than the one showcased in this lesson and unit. Ensure they have a variety of examples of different animals' adapted features to further embed understanding.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following nouns needs a capital letter?
Correct answer: atlantic
Correct answer: antarctic
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
Anglerfish have rough dark mottled and scaled skin.
Anglerfish have rough, dark, mottled, and scaled skin.
Correct answer: Anglerfish have rough, dark, mottled and scaled skin.
In which sentence is the comma used correctly?
In the perpetual darkness anglerfish, have developed hunting strategies.
In the perpetual darkness anglerfish have developed, hunting strategies.
Correct answer: In the perpetual darkness, anglerfish have developed hunting strategies.
What is the purpose of a subheading?
to summarise the whole text
Correct answer: to signal each section of the text to the reader
to introduce facts in a sentence
Which of these fronted adverbials show that another idea is being added to the previous sentence?
In the middle of the night,
Correct answer: In addition to this,
Correct answer: Also,
As a result,
Which of these conjunctions are contrasting conjunctions?
Correct answer: but
Correct answer: however,

6 Questions

Which of the following are subject-specific vocabulary for the anglerfish?
Correct answer: bioluminescence
Correct answer: lure
Match the anglerfish's adaptations to their functions.
Correct Answer:a lure,to attract unsuspecting prey

to attract unsuspecting prey

Correct Answer:dark, mottled skin,to camouflage in the deep-sea landscape

to camouflage in the deep-sea landscape

Correct Answer:expandable stomach,to ingest prey larger than itself

to ingest prey larger than itself

What is in a plan?
Correct answer: bullet points for notes
full sentences with capital letters and full stops for notes
Correct answer: subheadings to organise notes
a range of sentence types
Which of these fronted adverbials are used to give the writer's viewpoint?
Correct answer: Intriguingly,
Correct answer: Impressively,
As a consequence,
Match the adjectives to the correct part of the anglerfish's body.
Correct Answer:rotund, expandable,stomach


Correct Answer:rough, mottled,skin


Correct Answer:fleshy, luminous,esca


Match the viewpoint fronted adverbial to the fact that follows it.
Correct Answer:Impressively,,they are able to survive in very extreme environments.

they are able to survive in very extreme environments.

Correct Answer:Intriguingly,,they possess bioluminescent lures that hang down in front!

they possess bioluminescent lures that hang down in front!

Correct Answer:Significantly,,they exhibit a range of unique adaptations for survival.

they exhibit a range of unique adaptations for survival.