Year 4

Planning a section about anglerfish habitat for a non-chronological report

I can plan the habitat section of a non-chronological report about anglerfish.

Year 4

Planning a section about anglerfish habitat for a non-chronological report

I can plan the habitat section of a non-chronological report about anglerfish.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A plan includes keywords and subject-specific vocabulary related to the section.
  2. Taking notes is a skill.
  3. Notes should not be written in full sentences and bullet points can be used to order notes.
  4. Key vocabulary and linguistic devices should be logged in a plan.
  5. The plan should be clearly structured in the order of the section.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and plans should be written in full sentences.

Planning should log key vocabulary, linguistic devices and be written in note-from using bullet points.


  • Subject-specific vocabulary - vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject

  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

Find video clips or images of the habitat of anglerfish and small sea creatures as part of their diet for engagement and to support further understanding.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these nouns need a capital letter?
Correct answer: arctic
Correct answer: atlantic
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
an anglerfish possesses a bioluminescent illicium that hangs from its head
Correct answer: An anglerfish possesses a bioluminescent illicium that hangs from its head.
An anglerfish possesses a bioluminescent illicium that hangs from its head
an anglerfish possesses a bioluminescent illicium that hangs from its heads.
In which sentence is the comma used correctly?
Correct answer: They are not picky eaters and they will consume crustacean, eel and large fish.
They are not picky eaters, and they will consume crustacean eel and large fish.
hey are not picky eaters and they will consume crustacean eel, and large fish.
Which of these fronted adverbials shows that another idea is being added to the previous sentence?
Despite this,
Correct answer: In addition to this,
Which of these is a viewpoint fronted adverbial?
Correct answer: interestingly
What is a fronted adverbial always followed by?
a full stop
Correct answer: a comma
an adjective
a capital letter
a co-ordinating conjunction

6 Questions

Match the words to their definitions.
Correct Answer:biology,the scientific study of life and living organisms

the scientific study of life and living organisms

Correct Answer:ecosystem,the way living organisms exist in their environment

the way living organisms exist in their environment

Correct Answer:anatomy,the study that focuses on the structure of living organisms

the study that focuses on the structure of living organisms

Which of these words are subject-specific vocabulary about anglerfish?
Correct answer: illicium
Correct answer: esca
Correct answer: abyssal
Which of the following is true of anglerfish?
Anglerfish jaws are small.
Correct answer: The anglerfish diet is carnivorous.
There are about 100 species of anglerfish.
Correct answer: They can swallow prey up to twice their size.
Match these anglerfish notes to the sections they would be used in.
Correct Answer:small and large sea creatures,diet


Correct Answer:extreme pressure and freezing,habitat


Correct Answer:dark, mottled and scaly skin ,appearance


Choose the option that would best follow this sentence: 'Anglerfish mainly eat small creatures because they are more common in the dark, isolated depths of oceans.'
Correct answer: However, anglerfish can consume larger fish up to twice their size.
Although, anglerfish can consume larger fish up to twice their size.
As a consequence, anglerfish can consume larger fish up to twice their size.
How do notes help the writer?
to punctuate sentences accurately
to make subordinate clauses make sense
Correct answer: to organise information easily for writing in the future
to present to an audience effectively