Year 4

Exploring characterisation in 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'

I can explore characterisation of a hero character

Year 4

Exploring characterisation in 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'

I can explore characterisation of a hero character

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Arthur is chosen for the mission by default
  2. A hero is a person who displays exceptional courage, bravery, selflessness in the face of adversity
  3. The townspeople think he is unlikely to succeed
  4. Arthur proves that their views are incorrect and shows many qualities of a hero

Common misconception

Pupils may expect heroes to embody all of the heroic traits.

Explain to pupils that heroes can go against stereotypes and expectations. These make characters complex and multi-faceted.


  • Characterisation - Characterisation is the way an author describes and develops the personalities and traits of the characters in a story.

  • Character traits - Character traits are the special qualities that make a character in a story unique and interesting.

  • Convey - To convey means to communicate a message to the reader directly or indirectly.

  • Hero - A hero is a protagonist with noble qualities, often saving or helping others.

  • Expectation - An expectation is anticipated behaviour based on character traits.

It is useful for heroic character traits to be listed on a separate board / piece of paper for pupils to refer to during the tasks.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

At the beginning of the text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope', which character causes Arthur to leave his town?
Correct Answer: Fenrir, fenrir
True or false. Odin, the father of the gods, conjures the golden rope which is given to Thor.
Correct Answer: True, true
Throughout the story, what characteristics does Joe Todd Stanton (the author) show Arthur to have?
Correct answer: clever
Correct answer: selfless
Correct answer: courageous
Throughout the story, what characteristics does Joe Todd Stanton (the author) show Thor to have?
Correct answer: brave
Correct answer: wise
Correct answer: powerful
True or False? The colossal cat helps Arthur when he falls from The World Tree.
Correct Answer: False, false
Put the events that have happened so far in the text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' in the correct order.
1 - Fenrir extinguishes the great fire.
2 - Arthur travels across the sea to the land of the Viking gods.
3 - Arthur collects the sound of the cat's footfall.
4 - Arthur collects the roots of a mountain.
5 - The golden rope is made by Odin.

6 Questions

Match the following keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:characterisation,the development of the personality and traits of a character

the development of the personality and traits of a character

Correct Answer:convey,communicate a message to the reader directly or indirectly

communicate a message to the reader directly or indirectly

Correct Answer:hero,a protagonist with noble qualities, often helping others

a protagonist with noble qualities, often helping others

Correct Answer:expectation,anticipated behaviour based on character traits

anticipated behaviour based on character traits

True or False? Fenrir eats the Hand of Time whole.
Correct Answer: True, true
What are some of the possible inferences we can make about Fenrir from the illustration?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Fenrir is shocked.
Fenrir is happy.
Correct answer: Fenrir is confused.
Fenrir is excited.
Which of the following qualities are expected of hero characters?
Correct answer: strength - physical or otherwise
Correct answer: courage
Correct answer: determination
Which qualities of a hero does Thor exhibit in 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'?
Correct answer: leadership
Correct answer: courage
Correct answer: physical strength
Which qualities of a hero does Arthur exhibit in 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'?
physical strength
Correct answer: intelligence
Correct answer: determination
Correct answer: selflessness
Q3 Reproduced with kind permission of Flying Eye Books Ltd. © Joe Todd Stanton 2016 and 2017