Year 6

Generating vocabulary for the build-up of ‘Beowulf and the dragon’

I can develop a bank of vocabulary to describe settings and characters in a narrative retelling of the build-up in ‘Beowulf and the dragon’.

Year 6

Generating vocabulary for the build-up of ‘Beowulf and the dragon’

I can develop a bank of vocabulary to describe settings and characters in a narrative retelling of the build-up in ‘Beowulf and the dragon’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Rehearsing our storytelling using a text map makes the writing process easier.
  2. We can also plan some of the vocabulary we wish to use to have a certain effect.
  3. We are going to be writing the build-up of 'Beowulf and the dragon'.
  4. We can use rich vocabulary to describe the burned stronghold, the rocky headland and the dragon's body.
  5. We can avoid repeating 'Beowulf' and 'the dragon' by replacing them with varied noun phrases.

Common misconception

Pupils may believe they can only use the words provided in the tasks.

You may wish to list the words provided on a whiteboard during the lesson, but then encourage children to apply their own ideas in the tasks or to use a thesaurus to explore deeper.


  • Text map - a visual representation of a series of events, where pictures represent events

  • Build-up - the part of a story where problems are introduced and tension rises

  • Rich vocabulary - words chosen intentionally to convey a certain impression to the reader of a place, person or thing

  • Expanded noun phrase - a phrase where a noun is described by one or more adjectives

You may wish to enhance this lesson with visuals of a devastated scene or of a windswept headland as this may be challenging for pupils to imagine.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is introduced to a story in the build-up?
the main characters
the main setting
Correct answer: problems
the solution to problems
Which of these events could form part of the build-up in 'Beowulf and the dragon'?
Beowulf has been king for 50 years.
Correct answer: A dragon destroys the Geat stronghold.
Correct answer: Beowulf decides he needs to fight the dragon.
Beowulf slits the dragon's throat.
Which of the events below follows this one? 'Beowulf shouted and banged his sword on the rocks.'
Correct answer: the dragon slithered out of its cave
Wiglaf's sword caught fire
the other men ran away in fear
Wiglaf stabbed the dragon in the belly
What should be increasing during the build-up of a narrative?
the length of sentences
the amount of descriptive detail
Correct answer: tension
Which of these events do not form part of the resolution in the story of 'Beowulf and the dragon'?
Correct answer: Beowulf is given a hero's burial.
Beowulf slits the dragon's throat.
The dragon falls down dead.
Correct answer: Warriors ride around Beowulf's barrow.
What are the benefits of using our text maps to practise storytelling?
Correct answer: it helps us remember the events of the story
Correct answer: it helps us be more prepared to write the story
it helps us practise our art skills
it helps us to learn word-for-word what we will write

6 Questions

What part of the story 'Beowulf and the dragon' is happening here? 'The dragon attacked the stronghold and Beowulf said he wanted to attack it alone.'
the opening
Correct answer: the build-up
the climax
the resolution
Which two settings are included in the build-up of 'Beowulf and the dragon'?
Correct answer: Eagleness
Correct answer: the burned stronghold
inside the dragon's cave
Which of these words means 'still smoking'?
Correct answer: smouldering
Which of these words means 'steep'?
Correct answer: sheer
Which of these words means 'strong'?
Correct answer: mighty
Which nouns could complete the following expanded noun phrase to give a negative impression of the dragon? 'the colossal __________'.
Correct answer: worm
Correct answer: serpent
Correct answer: treasure-guardian
king of Geatland