Year 6

Beowulf faces a new foe

I can outline the key events in the fifth chapter of ‘Beowulf’ and I can explain the author’s language choices.

Year 6

Beowulf faces a new foe

I can outline the key events in the fifth chapter of ‘Beowulf’ and I can explain the author’s language choices.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. After Grendel is defeated, another monster - his mother - arrives at Heorot, taking away a Dane.
  2. Beowulf and his companions travel across bleak countryside to find her lair.
  3. Beowulf fights with Grendel's mother, narrowly avoiding death before killing her with a special sword.
  4. Authors make specific language choices in their writing in order to have a specific effect on the reader.
  5. A kenning is an Old English way of replacing a noun with a two-word phrase that describes it indirectly.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle to identify the effect of the kennings in the second task.

You may want to complete this task orally with partner talk, or as a class discussion, rather than as independent work.


  • Setting - where a story takes place

  • Language choices - decisions writers make in order to create a certain impression or have a certain effect on the reader

  • Impressions - feelings about a person, place or thing gained from reading a text

  • Kenning - a phrase of two words that replaces a noun that is often used in Old English poetry

Ensure that you use 'my turn your turn' to introduce new words so that pupils are familiar with saying them; you may also want to point to the words randomly and have the class say them to familiarise them with reading the words.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Put the following events in order.
1 - Grendel crept into Heorot.
2 - Grendel devoured Leofric.
3 - Beowulf snapped off Grendel's arm.
4 - Grendel's arm was hung from Heorot.
5 - Hrothgar rewarded Beowulf richly.
What happened to Grendel after Beowulf fought him?
He lay dead on the floor of Heorot.
Correct answer: He staggered out of Heorot.
He regrew his missing arm.
He fell to the floor, crushing a Geat warrior.
Which word below means 'take revenge for someone's death'?
Correct answer: avenge
Match the following words to their meanings.
Correct Answer:hasten,go faster

go faster

Correct Answer:guttering,flickering


Correct Answer:marvel,be amazed by something

be amazed by something

Correct Answer:rekindle,make burn again

make burn again

Which of the following was Beowulf given by Hrothgar as his reward?
Correct answer: a banner
Correct answer: a bejewelled saddle
Correct answer: a decorated helmet
Correct answer: eight horses
a gold buckle
Which of the following can contribute to characterisation?
Correct answer: things a character says
Correct answer: things a character does
Correct answer: the way a character is described
the setting of the text
Correct answer: details given about a character's life

6 Questions

Match the following words to their descriptions.
Correct Answer:roused,woken up

woken up

Correct Answer:donned,put on

put on

Correct Answer:renowned,well-known


Correct Answer:perilous,dangerous


Which character was taken by Grendel's mother?
Correct answer: Aeschere
What motivates Beowulf to help others?
He wants money.
Correct answer: He wants to be well-known.
He wants to be happy.
He wants to get a wife.
How does Beowulf kill Grendel's mother?
with his own sword
with Unferth's sword
with his bare hands
Correct answer: with a sword he finds in the under-lake hall
Which of these might be a kenning?
Correct answer: bone-breaker
What might the kenning 'wind-rider' be describing?
the sun
Correct answer: a bird
a sword
a storm