Year 6

Beowulf's burial

I can explain the events that occur after Beowulf’s death and explore his legacy for the Geats.

Year 6

Beowulf's burial

I can explain the events that occur after Beowulf’s death and explore his legacy for the Geats.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. After Beowulf's death, Wiglaf is furious at the warriors who deserted him.
  2. Beowulf is given a hero's funeral; the Geats are concerned about their future without him.
  3. The Geats show that, just as Beowulf wanted, they will remember him after his death.
  4. We aim to read with fluency and expression; repeated reading supports fluency.

Common misconception

Pupils may believe that reading with an angry expression involves shouting or being loud.

Model the fact that you can show an angry tone of voice using even a very quiet voice.


  • Fluency - reading a text accurately, smoothly and with appropriate speed

  • Expression - reading with feelings and emotion to bring the text to life

  • Legacy - the long-lasting impact of a person’s life on their culture and on other people

  • Speech - the communication of someone’s thoughts, through words, to an audience

Where pupils struggle with reading fluency at this level, pair them with a fluent reader so that fluent reading is being modelled (or if possible, take a guided group and have these pupils practise with you).
Teacher tip


You need a copy of the 2013 Oxford Children’s Classics edition of ‘Beowulf’ written by Kevin Crossley-Holland and illustrated by Charles Keeping for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Why is Beowulf dying?
Wiglaf stabbed him.
Correct answer: The dragon bit him.
He died of old age.
The dragon burned him.
Match each piece of key vocabulary to the correct meaning.
Correct Answer:precipitous,steep


Correct Answer:hoard,stash of treasure

stash of treasure

Correct Answer:oath,promise


Correct Answer:slaughter,killing


Match each piece of key vocabulary to the correct meaning.
Correct Answer:cinders,ashes


Correct Answer:scree,loose stones

loose stones

Correct Answer:barrow,burial mound

burial mound

Correct Answer:corslet,armour


Why does Beowulf want such a big barrow built?
to fit all his treasure
because he is very large
Correct answer: so that people remember him
so that people have a good view of the sea from the top
How does Wiglaf help Beowulf kill the dragon?
Correct answer: He stabs it in the belly.
He slits its throat.
He burns it with fire.
He brings a metal shield.
True or false? Beowulf's body will be burned after his death.
Correct Answer: true, True

6 Questions

Which of the following events happen after Beowulf's death?
Correct answer: his body is burned
his body is buried
Correct answer: his ashes are buried
Correct answer: his ashes are placed in a barrow
Which of the following are placed in the barrow?
Correct answer: armour and weapons
the bones of Beowulf's enemies
the bodies of the "oath-breakers"
Correct answer: gold treasure
Match these words to their meanings.
Correct Answer:forfeited,given up

given up

Correct Answer:burnished,polished


Correct Answer:reap,harvest


Correct Answer:bequeath,pass something on

pass something on

True or false? The Geats are concerned about their future without Beowulf.
Correct Answer: true, True
Which of the following are part of Beowulf's legacy?
Correct answer: being known for his bravery
Correct answer: being known for defeating several monsters
Correct answer: being known as a good, kind king
being known for being a good father
Roughly how long ago was Beowulf written?
10 years ago
100 years ago
Correct answer: 1,000 years ago
10,000 years ago