Year 6

Characterisation of Beowulf and Grendel

I can outline the key events in the fourth chapter of ‘Beowulf’ and I can find evidence of how the author has characterised individuals in the text.

Year 6

Characterisation of Beowulf and Grendel

I can outline the key events in the fourth chapter of ‘Beowulf’ and I can find evidence of how the author has characterised individuals in the text.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In Chapter 4, Grendel comes to Heorot and kills Leofric.
  2. Beowulf attacks and he snaps off Grendel's arm, which makes the Geats think that Grendel must then die.
  3. Beowulf and the Geats are rewarded by King Hrothgar for ridding the Danes of Grendel.
  4. Authors describe and develop characters' traits through their actions, dialogue and interactions.
  5. This process of character development is called characterisation and we can find evidence of it in texts.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle to understand the concept of characterisation.

Explain that the author is trying make us feel certain things about the characters; characterisation is just the process of doing that. If the author wants us to think Grendel is scary, they have to make that happen through their descriptions.


  • Prediction - an educated guess, based on evidence in the text or prior knowledge

  • In role - when you take on the perspective of a character in a text

  • Characterisation - the way an author describes and develops the personalities and traits of the characters in a story through their actions, thoughts, dialogue and interactions with others

  • Evidence - information or facts to show something is true

Ensure that giving pupils time to read aloud is the key focus of lessons; develop routines to ensure efficient paired reading, including an expectation that pupils re-read each passage once they have finished it to develop fluency and understanding.
Teacher tip


You need a copy of the 2013 Oxford Children’s Classics edition of ‘Beowulf’ written by Kevin Crossley-Holland and illustrated by Charles Keeping for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which characters does Beowulf meet at the Danish court?
Correct answer: Queen Wealhtheow
Correct answer: King Hrothgar
King Hygelac
Correct answer: Unferth
Which adjectives describe Beowulf best?
Correct answer: strong
Correct answer: confident
Correct answer: brave
Which of the following are claims Beowulf made about himself?
He has the strength of 300 men.
Correct answer: He has the strength of 30 men.
Correct answer: He has swum for 5 days.
He has swum for 50 days.
Correct answer: He has fought a sea monster on the ocean floor.
Which of the following are pieces of evidence that support our impression that Unferth is rude?
Correct answer: he spat on the floor
Correct answer: he "sneered" and "jeered" at Beowulf
he knows that Beowful swam with Breca
he rubbed his eyes
Who is left in Heorot at the end of the night?
only Beowulf
only King Hrothgar
the Danes led by Unferth
Correct answer: the Geats led by Beowulf
Which of the following are true?
Correct answer: Beowulf thinks he will survive the night.
The other Geat warriors think they will survive the night.
Unferth thinks Beowulf will defeat Grendel.
Correct answer: Wealhtheow is hopeful that Beowulf will defeat Grendel.

6 Questions

Who does Grendel kill?
all the Geats
Correct answer: Leofric
What does Beowulf do to defeat Grendel?
Correct answer: grabs his arm and holds on
grabs his head and twists it
pulls off his fingernails
Correct answer: pins his arm behind his back and tears it off
Match each key term to the correct meaning.
Correct Answer:throttle,strangle


Correct Answer:ravenous,very hungry

very hungry

Correct Answer:converge,gather together

gather together

Correct Answer:companion,a friend or ally

a friend or ally

Which word below means the same as 'go more quickly'?
Correct answer: hasten
Who is rewarded with a gold buckle after Grendel is defeated?
Correct answer: the Geat warriors
How would you describe the ending of Chapter 4 of 'Beowulf'?
a happy ending
a sad ending
Correct answer: a cliffhanger
a happily-ever-after ending