Year 6

Introducing the context of 'Coming To England'

I can understand the context of 'Coming to England'.

Year 6

Introducing the context of 'Coming To England'

I can understand the context of 'Coming to England'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. 'Coming to England' is an autobiographical memoir, written by Floella Benjamin.
  2. Floella writes about her early childhood in Trinidad in an overwhelmingly positive tone.
  3. Floella has good relationships with both her parents; she describes them through actions that they perform.
  4. Floella has five siblings: Sandra, Lester, Ellington, Roy and Cynthia.

Common misconception

Pupils may use the terms 'Commonwealth' and 'British Empire' interchangeably.

Provide opportunity for pupils to conduct research into the Commonwealth and the British Empire to support their understanding of the context of the text.


  • Memoir - A memoir is a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge.

  • Commonwealth - The Commonwealth is the political association of 56 member states, most of which are former territories of the British Empire

  • British Empire - The British Empire is the name given to the colonies, dominions and other territories ruled to some degree by and from Britain.

  • Impression - An impression refers to initial feelings about a person, place or thing, gained from reading a text.

Reading the foreword, written by the author, would support contextualising the text in greater detail.
Teacher tip


You need a copy of the 2021 Macmillan Children’s Book edition of ‘Coming to England’ written by Floella Benjamin, illustrated by Joelle Avelino, for this lesson.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of the following sentences may be found in an autobiography?
Correct answer: I was born in Trinidad in 1949 and my family moved to England when I was ten.
Floella Benjamin was born in Trinidad in 1949 and moved to England aged 10.
Correct answer: Throughout my career, I became a prominent advocate for children's rights.
Throughout her career, she became a prominent advocate for children's rights.
Which of the following sentences may be found in a biography?
Correct answer: Floella's childhood in Trinidad shaped her perspective.
My childhood in Trinidad had a profound impact on my outlook.
Correct answer: She continues to champion equality.
I dedicated myself to becoming a leading advocate for children's rights.
Put these sentences into chronological order.
1 - I was born in Trinidad.
2 - When I was ten years old, I moved to England.
3 - As an adult, I became a children's TV presenter.
Match the word to its definition.
Correct Answer:stork,a tall, long-legged bird

a tall, long-legged bird

Correct Answer:latrine,a basic toilet

a basic toilet

Correct Answer:basin,a shallow container

a shallow container

Match the word to its definition.
Correct Answer:drought,prolonged low rainfall

prolonged low rainfall

Correct Answer:concrete,strong building material

strong building material

Correct Answer:standpipe,public water tap

public water tap

Which of the following texts are usually written in chronological order?
Correct answer: biography
Correct answer: autobiography

6 Questions

Match the following keywords with their definitions.
Correct Answer:memoir,a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge

a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge

Correct Answer:Commonwealth,the political association of 56 member states

the political association of 56 member states

Correct Answer:British Empire,the name of colonies, dominions and other territories ruled by Britain

the name of colonies, dominions and other territories ruled by Britain

What is a suitable definition of the word impression?
something that sounds similar to how someone speaks
Correct answer: initial feelings about a person, place or thing
the technique of creating images with bold brushstrokes
Which of the following is the flag of Trinidad?
Flag 1
Flag 2
Flag 3
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which of the following are Floella's sisters?
Correct answer: Cynthia
Mrs. Jackson
Correct answer: Sandra
True or False? In Chapter 1, Floella describes her upbringing as challenging and negative.
Correct Answer: False, false
Place the following events from Chapter 1 into chronological order.
1 - Floella's brother Ellington is born.
2 - Floella sits with her father on the gallery and listens to stories.
3 - Floella describes going to the local market with her mother.