Year 4

Developing responses to 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths' through rich discussions

I can develop my own response to 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths'.

Year 4

Developing responses to 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths' through rich discussions

I can develop my own response to 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Character traits can be explored through the text’s illustrations or words used by the characters.
  2. Friendships and relationships within the story are not wholly positive; they are complex and changeable.
  3. Making connections and recommendations can enhance the reading experience and broaden understanding of literature.

Common misconception

Friendships within texts are always positive throughout.

The friendships and relationships within 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths' are complex. They could be explored during a PHSE lesson - looking at how some friendships are not equal or balanced.


  • Character trait - Character traits are the special qualities that make a character in a story unique and interesting.

  • Impression - An impression refers to initial feelings about a person, place or thing, gained from reading a text.

  • Connection - How a text relates to a reader, another text or the wider world can be called a connection.

  • Recommendation - A recommendation is a suggestion for a text that is well-suited to a reader’s age and their interests.

Pupils must have read the text in advance of this lesson. Encourage pupils to regularly recommend texts for each other and support discussions around different texts and what they have enjoyed and why.
Teacher tip


You need a copy of the 2021 Picadilly Press edition of ‘Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths’, written by Maisie Chan, illustrated by Anh Cao, for this lesson.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Who is the author of 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths'?
Correct Answer: Maisie Chan, maisie chan, Maisie chan
Which of the following does Danny enjoy doing most of all?
writing speech bubbles
Correct answer: drawing
Who is the illustrator of 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths'?
Correct Answer: Anh Cao, Anh cao, anh cao
Match the following characters to an appropriate character trait.
Correct Answer:Mrs. Cruikshanks,welcoming


Correct Answer:Carter,mean


Correct Answer:Uncle Yee,helpful


What is the most suitable definition of a recommendation?
a group of readers who read, share and discuss their reading experiences
a form of text combining words and images in long-form, sequential art panels
Correct answer: a suggestion for a text that is suited to a reader’s age and their interests
Match the following connections that readers can make from a text.
Correct Answer:text-to-text,when the content of the text relates to another text

when the content of the text relates to another text

Correct Answer:text-to-world,when the content relates to events and issues in the real world

when the content relates to events and issues in the real world

Correct Answer:text-to-self,when the content of the text relates to personal experiences

when the content of the text relates to personal experiences

6 Questions

Match the following keywords to their definition.
Correct Answer:character trait,special qualities that make a character unique and interesting

special qualities that make a character unique and interesting

Correct Answer:recommendation,a suggestion for a text that is suited to a reader’s age and interests

a suggestion for a text that is suited to a reader’s age and interests

Correct Answer:connection,how a text relates to a reader, another text or the wider world

how a text relates to a reader, another text or the wider world

Who is Danny's best friend?
Correct answer: Ravi
True or False? Auntie Yee and Uncle Yee are related to Danny and his family.
Correct Answer: False, false
What impression does the reader get of Auntie Yee's steamed cakes?
They were delicious - Danny ate them in one go.
Correct answer: They were dry - they needed lots of Jasmine tea to go with them.
Correct answer: They were not tasty - Danny and Ravi used them as frisbees before binning them.
They were moist - a perfect snack.
Which activities does Nai Nai enjoy doing with Danny?
Correct answer: bingo
Correct answer: bowling
Correct answer: visiting the Global Mini Mart
What is Nai Nai's real name?
Correct Answer: Dong Mei, Winter Plums, Winter plums, dong mei