Year 5

Developing reading preferences in Year 5 through exploring a range of forms

I can develop my awareness of a range of forms.

Year 5

Developing reading preferences in Year 5 through exploring a range of forms

I can develop my awareness of a range of forms.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Reading a range of poetry, from diverse poets, can develop our appreciation of the poetic form
  2. Poetry can take many forms, including: haiku, limerick, cinquain, sonnet, tanka, riddle, acrostic
  3. A lyric can be written in poem form; lyrics can express the writer's emotions
  4. A verse novel is a narrative told through poetry, blending prose and poetic elements

Common misconception

Pupils may think that all poetry has to rhyme.

Have a wide range of different poetic forms available. Perhaps encourage pupils to discover more about the fixed verse forms at home.


  • Form - form is the way that a text can be presented

  • Poetry collection - a text that contains multiple poems by one author or on a particular subject or theme

  • Fixed verse - poetry with a specific structure, rhyme, and metre

  • Free verse - poetry without strict rhyme or metre; it emphasises natural speech rhythms

  • Verse novel - a narrative told through poetry, blending prose and poetic elements

Have the Children's Poetry Archive ( accessible and range of poetry collections for pupils to read. Poems can be placed around the classroom to encourage pupils to actively read, respond and share their ideas.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

True or False? Poems all have to be written in haiku form.
Correct Answer: False, false
Which of the following are considered types of illustration?
Correct answer: hand-drawn
Correct answer: watercolour
Correct answer: digital
Match the following poetry devices to their definitions
Correct Answer:metaphor,compares two unlike things to convey a new meaning

compares two unlike things to convey a new meaning

Correct Answer:simile,compares using "like" or "as" for similarity

compares using "like" or "as" for similarity

Correct Answer:personification,gives human traits to non-human objects or concepts

gives human traits to non-human objects or concepts

Correct Answer:alliteration,repetition of initial consonant sounds for emphasis

repetition of initial consonant sounds for emphasis

Correct Answer:rhyming couplets,two successive lines with end rhymes

two successive lines with end rhymes

What form is best described as a digital message sent and received electronically over the internet?
graphic novel
poetry collection
Correct answer: email
True or False? A poetry collection has to contain poems all written by the same poet.
Correct Answer: False, false
What is a suitable definition of 'form' in terms of literature.
how well you perform a specific movement or skill
the pattern in a song
the shape or structure of an object you draw or create
Correct answer: the way that a text can be presented
having good manners and being polite

6 Questions

Match the following key words to their definitions
Correct Answer:poetry collection,a text containing multiple poems by one or more poets

a text containing multiple poems by one or more poets

Correct Answer:fixed verse,poetry with a specific structure, rhyme, and metre

poetry with a specific structure, rhyme, and metre

Correct Answer:free verse,poetry without strict rhyme or metre; like natural speech

poetry without strict rhyme or metre; like natural speech

Correct Answer:verse novel,a narrative told through poetry

a narrative told through poetry

Select three forms of fixed verse poems from the examples listed below.
Correct answer: haiku
Correct answer: acrostic
Correct answer: sonnet
Which of the following are features of verse novels?
Correct answer: figurative language
Correct answer: varied forms
detailed descriptions
Correct answer: stanzas
True or False? Verse novels contain poems only in one form.
Correct Answer: False, false
Order the following steps for getting a poem ready for performance.
1 - Practise and rehearse thoroughly to ensure the performance is effective.
2 - Introduce yourself & the poem you will be performing, alongside the poet's name.
3 - Perform the poem, varying the pitch, volume and speed to engage the audience.
Where might you see a poet perform poetry?
sports stadiums
Correct answer: literary festivals
Correct answer: in schools, via poet visits or performances
Correct answer: poetry slams