Year 5

Developing reading preferences in Year 5 through text recommendations

I can make recommendations to other readers.

Year 5

Developing reading preferences in Year 5 through text recommendations

I can make recommendations to other readers.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Texts can be recommended in a variety of ways, including online via Book Award websites or blogs.
  2. Reflecting on likes, dislikes, puzzles and connections in relation to texts, can influence others to read.

Common misconception

Pupils may just think a recommendation comes from a peer or teacher.

Recommendations can come from a wide range of people and places.


  • Recommendation - a suggestion for a text that is well-suited to a reader’s age and their interests

  • Reading preference - can include what we read and where we read

  • Puzzle - a question that you have about a text. It does not always have to be answered or solved

  • Connection - how a text relates to a reader, another text or the wider world can be called a connection

Have QR codes for the book award websites for pupils to scan.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

True or False? Authors and illustrators can be the same person.
Correct Answer: True, true
What genre best fits a text which asks lots of questions and contains factual information?
Correct answer: non-fiction
When giving a text recommendation, you should consider the person's...
Correct answer: age.
daily routines.
Correct answer: likes and interests.
eating preferences.
Correct answer: texts they have previously enjoyed.
True or False? All poets' poetry collections must contain similar themes.
Correct Answer: false, False
True or False? Non-fiction is a form of text.
Correct Answer: False, false
A reading recommendation is a suggestion for a text that is well-suited to a reader’s and .
ability and comprehension skill
likes and dislikes
Correct answer: age and interests

6 Questions

Match the keywords to their definitions.
Correct Answer:reading preference,can include what we read and where we read

can include what we read and where we read

Correct Answer:puzzle ,a question that you have about a text

a question that you have about a text

Correct Answer:connection,how a text relates to the reader, another text or the world

how a text relates to the reader, another text or the world

Correct Answer:like,positive things a reader thought about a text

positive things a reader thought about a text

Correct Answer:dislike,negative things a reader thought about a text

negative things a reader thought about a text

Approximately how many children's texts are published each year in the United Kingdom?
Correct answer: 10,000
Which book award did the text 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths' by Maisie Chan, win?
Correct answer: The Bradford Boase Award
Carnegie Medal
Amnesty CILIP honour
Little Rebels Book Award
Correct answer: Jhalak Prize
Which of the following can you go to for a text recommendations?
Correct answer: library (school or local)
Correct answer: school staff
computer games
Correct answer: book award website
Order the way you could recommend a text to a friend.
1 - title of text
2 - likes and dislikes
3 - puzzles
4 - connections
5 - Do you want to read?
Which connections can a text make with a reader?
Correct answer: text-to-self
Correct answer: text-to-world
Correct answer: text-to-text