Forming irregular plural nouns
I can spell common irregular plural nouns that do not follow clear rules.
Forming irregular plural nouns
I can spell common irregular plural nouns that do not follow clear rules.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Regular plurals follow spelling rules.
- There are no rules for irregular plurals; you just have to learn them.
- Examples of irregular plural nouns include: formula - formulae, woman - women, tooth - teeth, index - indices.
- We can look for naughty letters to help us to remember tricky spellings.
- How to spell the curriculum words: equip and equipment.
Suffix - a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning
Root word - the base word from which other words are formed often by adding prefixes or suffixes
Singular - only one
Plural - more than one
Irregular - means not conforming to a regular or predictable pattern
Common misconception
Pupils will apply common plural rules to singular nouns that have irregular plural patterns.
Use spelling strategies such as 'big letters' or 'colour blocks' to help pick out the tricky elements of irregular plural spellings and embed them in the memory.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
Just add -s
Just add -es
Remove the ‘y’, add -ies
Remove ‘f’ or ‘fe’, add -ves