Year 3

Writing the introduction of an explanation text about how bees make honey

I can write the introduction of an explanation text about how bees make honey.

Year 3

Writing the introduction of an explanation text about how bees make honey

I can write the introduction of an explanation text about how bees make honey.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. An explanation text needs a title to signify what the text is about.
  2. The purpose of an introduction is to hook the reader in and inform the reader what the rest of the text will be about.
  3. The introduction contains general facts, an outline of what the text will cover and a direct appeal to the reader.
  4. Facts and information in the introduction are general; they become more specific and detailed in later paragraphs.

Common misconception

Pupils try to include specific facts in the introduction.

Emphasise that an introduction's purpose is to introduce the topic and should only include general facts.


  • Introduction - the opening paragraph of a non-fiction text that encourages the reader to read on

  • Title - the name of the text

  • General facts - the most basic or necessary facts

Pupils may benefit from some prior knowledge of honey bees. Provide them with a variety of texts from which they can gather facts. Consider providing cross curricular links to supplement pupils' understanding.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the word to its definition.
Correct Answer:verb,A doing or being word.

A doing or being word.

Correct Answer:adjective,A word that describes a noun.

A word that describes a noun.

Correct Answer:noun,A person, place or thing.

A person, place or thing.

Correct Answer:adverb,A word that describes a verb.

A word that describes a verb.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Honey-making is a complex process
Correct answer: Honey-making is a complex process.
honey-making is a complex process
honey-making is a complex process.
Which of the following features would you find in an explanation text?
Correct answer: Factual language.
Correct answer: Ordering fronted adverbials.
Correct answer: Fronted adverbials of cause.
Speech sentences.
What type of verb do you use at the start of a command to tell someone what to do?
Correct Answer: imperative verb, Imperative verb, Imperative, bossy verb
Which sentence is written in the present tense?
Correct answer: Honey bees are industrious creatures.
Honey bees were industrious creatures.
Honey bees had been industrious creatures.
Honey bees will be industrious creatures.
Order the sections of the explanation text correctly.
1 - Introduction.
2 - First themed section.
3 - Second themed section.
4 - Conclusion.

6 Questions

Before writing our sentences down, we should the sentence out loud.
Correct Answer: say
What is the purpose of an introduction?
To set the scene for the reader.
Correct answer: To inform the reader of the outline of the text.
Correct answer: To give brief, general facts about the subject of the text.
To summarise the key points from the text.
Which is an example of an expanded noun phrase?
Correct answer: the long, complex process
Honey-making is a long, complex process.
Match each feature of an introduction to its purpose.
Correct Answer:general facts,The most basic or necessary facts.

The most basic or necessary facts.

Correct Answer:command,Encourages the reader to continue reading.

Encourages the reader to continue reading.

Correct Answer:outline,Informs the reader what the rest of the report is about.

Informs the reader what the rest of the report is about.

Which two are true of the title of an explanation text?
Every letter must be a capital letter.
Correct answer: Each word must start with a capital letter.
It must be funny.
Correct answer: It must be underlined.
Which sentence would be found in an introduction of an explanation text about the honey-making process?
Next, the bees flap their wings to evaporate the water.
In this text, you have read all about the different steps of making honey.
Correct answer: Honey making is a long, natural process.
Finally, the bees seal the cell with a wax lid.