Year 3

Writing the second section of an explanation text about how bees make honey

I can use my plan to write the section about how honey bees produce honey inside the hive.

Year 3

Writing the second section of an explanation text about how bees make honey

I can use my plan to write the section about how honey bees produce honey inside the hive.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The steps in the honey-making process are written in chronological order.
  2. Ordering fronted adverbials indicate the order of the steps in a process.
  3. Fronted adverbials of cause explain the cause and effect of a fact across two sentences.
  4. Using the full range of sentence types (simple, compound and complex) improves text flow for the reader.
  5. Explanation texts include subject-specific vocabulary that is related to the subject of the text.

Common misconception

Pupils might include steps of the process that take place outside of the hive.

This section explains the final three steps of the honey-making process that take place inside the hive.


  • Text flow - how a text is written to keep the reader engaged

  • Compound sentence - a sentence formed of two main clauses and a co-ordinating conjunction

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

Ensure that pupils are confident with the details of each step before starting the writing process. You can review the ordering of the whole process in Lesson 2, which clearly sequences the process with visual aids.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
the worker bee returns to the hive.
The worker bee returns to the hive
Correct answer: The worker bee returns to the hive.
the worker bee returns to the hive
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
Correct answer: Next, the bee flaps its wings.
Next the bee flaps its wings.
Next the bee, flaps its wings.
Next, the bee flaps, its wings.
Match the term to its definition.
Correct Answer:co-ordinating conjunction, joins two main clauses to form a compound sentence

joins two main clauses to form a compound sentence

Correct Answer:complex sentence,a sentence formed of a main clause and subordinate clause

a sentence formed of a main clause and subordinate clause

Correct Answer:subordinating conjunction,a word that starts an adverbial subordinate clause

a word that starts an adverbial subordinate clause

Correct Answer:compound sentence,a sentence formed of two main clauses

a sentence formed of two main clauses

Which of the following are examples of co-ordinating conjunctions?
Correct answer: and
Correct answer: but
Correct answer: or
Honey bees turn nectar into .
Correct Answer: honey, Honey
Which type of bees work hard inside the hive?
worker bees
Correct answer: processor bees
bumble bees

6 Questions

Which of these sentences would be found in an explanation text about the honey-making process?
Honey bees are super cool!
Correct answer: Honey bees work collaboratively to produce honey.
As slowly as a tortoise, the awesome bee places the nectar inside the cells.
Which of the following is an example of a fronted adverbial of cause?
Correct answer: As a result,
In addition,
Match the term to its example.
Correct Answer:ordering fronted adverbial,Finally,


Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,As a result,

As a result,

Correct Answer:expanded noun phrase,the sticky, transparent liquid

the sticky, transparent liquid

Correct Answer:subordinating conjunction,because


A is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.
Correct Answer: synonym, Synonym, sinonim
Which ordering fronted adverbial would be used to show the last step of the honey-making process?
Correct answer: Finally,
Which conjunction is appropriate in this sentence? 'The bee rapidly flaps its wings __________ it needs to evaporate the water.'
Correct answer: because