Year 3

Planning the paragraph about the life of King Tut

I can plan the paragraph about the life of King Tut for a non-chronological report.

Year 3

Planning the paragraph about the life of King Tut

I can plan the paragraph about the life of King Tut for a non-chronological report.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Notes should not be written in full sentences and bullet points can be used to order notes.
  2. The purpose of the paragraph is to explain about King Tut becoming king and what he achieved when in power.
  3. Viewpoint fronted adverbials and formal fronted adverbials are used at the start of sentences for cohesion.
  4. A subheading signals part of a a text and should stand out from the rest of the text.
  5. The plan should include subject-specific vocabulary.

Common misconception

Planning needs to be detailed and include full sentences.

Planning should only have keywords and be written in note-from using bullet points.


  • Subject-specific vocabulary - vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject

  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

Pupils can practise writing full sentences using their notes on mini-whiteboards ahead of writing this section.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
he made significant changes to their religious beliefs.
Correct answer: He made significant changes to their religious beliefs.
He made significant changes to their religious beliefs
he made significant changes to their religious beliefs
Which of these need capital letters?
Correct answer: king tut
Correct answer: egypt
Correct answer: tutankhamun
In which sentence is the comma used correctly?
Interestingly King Tut became king, aged nine.
Interestingly, King Tut, became king aged nine.
Correct answer: Interestingly, King Tut became king aged nine.
Interestingly King Tut became king aged nine.
'King Tut became pharaoh after his father died.' In which section of a non-chronological report about King Tut would you find this sentence?
Correct answer: Life of King Tut
Death of King Tut
What is the purpose of a subheading?
to make a text longer
to summarise the text
Correct answer: to signal each section of the text to the reader
Is the following statement true or false? 'King Tut had little power because he was so young.'
Correct Answer: false, False

6 Questions

Is the following statement true or false? 'Full sentences are used in a plan.'
Correct Answer: false, False
Which of these are subject-specific vocabulary for a report about King Tut?
Correct answer: pharaoh
Correct answer: heir
Which of the following is true about King Tut?
He became king in Ancient Egypt aged 19.
Correct answer: He became king in Ancient Egypt aged nine.
He changed the religious beliefs from polytheism to monotheism.
Correct answer: He was heir to the throne.
Complete the following sentence: 'King Tut changed his name to Tutankhamun from __________.'
Correct answer: Tutankhaten
King Akhenaten
Who helped King Tut make big decisions when he was in power?
his sister
Correct answer: a team of advisors
his friends
Match the religious term to its definition.
Correct Answer:monotheism,belief in one god

belief in one god

Correct Answer:polytheism,belief in many gods

belief in many gods

Correct Answer:god,an entity that believers of a certain religion believe in

an entity that believers of a certain religion believe in