Year 3

Suffixes: -er and -est

I can correctly form words using the suffixes -er and -est.

Year 3

Suffixes: -er and -est

I can correctly form words using the suffixes -er and -est.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A suffix is a letter or group of letters at the end of a word which creates another word.
  2. The words start with a lead in and finish with a lead out.
  3. The pencil does not lift when forming the join, only after to add the cross to a t or a dot to an i or a j.
  4. There are four cursive joins.
  5. The join used depends on which letter is joining to which letter within a letter string.

Common misconception

The lead out for the letter r can be challenging for children.

When introducing the suffix -er and its formation, take time to allow the students to investigate and practise the 'dip down' for the lead out.


  • Suffix - a letter or a group of letters at the end of a word which creates another word

  • Join - how the letters are connected together

  • Letter string - a group of letters that are written together in a word

  • Lead in - the stroke or line that guides us into starting a letter

  • Lead out - the stroke or line that guides us to smoothly finish a letter

Make learning fun by using games, rhymes, or stories that incorporate the letters and joins they are learning.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - physical activity


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of these are common suffixes?
Correct answer: -ing
Correct answer: -ly
Which join would be used to connect the letter c to the letter k?
An image in a quiz
first join - from the baseline to the x-height line
Correct answer: second join - from the baseline to the ascender line
third join - from the x-height line to the x-height line
fourth join - from the x-height line to the ascender line
Which join would be used to connect the letter i to the letter n?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: first join - from the baseline to the x-height line
second join - from the baseline to the ascender line
third join - from the x-height line to the x-height line
fourth join - from the x-height line to the ascender line
Which join would be used to connect the letter r to the letter l?
An image in a quiz
first join - from the baseline to the x-height line
second join - from the baseline to the ascender line
third join - from the x-height line to the x-height line
Correct answer: fourth join - from the x-height line to the ascender line
Which join would be used to connect the letter w to the letter o?
An image in a quiz
first join - from the baseline to the x-height line
second join - from the baseline to the ascender line
Correct answer: third join - from the x-height line to the x-height line
fourth join - from the x-height line to the ascender line
Which join would be used to connect the letter a to the letter m?
Correct answer: first join - from the baseline to the x-height line
second join - from the baseline to the ascender line
third join - from the x-height line to the x-height line
fourth join - from the x-height line to the ascender line

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