Year 6

Generating ideas for parenthesis in a non-chronological report about pandas

I can say and write ideas for parenthesis using information about pandas.

Year 6

Generating ideas for parenthesis in a non-chronological report about pandas

I can say and write ideas for parenthesis using information about pandas.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Parenthesis can be achieved with a range of punctuation, including brackets and commas.
  2. Any type of parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.
  3. Brackets are useful in non-fiction writing to add extra, factual information.
  4. Commas can demarcate a relative clause that is inserted into a sentence as parenthesis.
  5. Commas are also useful to drop information into a clause.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it hard to decide where to insert parenthesis into a sentence.

The parenthesis will usually follow the noun or noun phrase it adds extra information about.


  • Parenthesis - additional information that is added to a sentence; if it is removed, the sentence still makes sense

  • Brackets - a punctuation mark used to add extra, factual information in a clause

  • Commas - punctuation used to demarcate a relative clause

  • Relative clause - a type of subordinate clause that starts with a relative pronoun

  • Text cohesion - how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve text purpose

Encourage pupils to experiment orally with different positions for the parenthesis to see and hear what 'sounds right'.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following is a statistic about basking sharks?
The basking shark is rarely seen in winter in the UK.
Correct answer: The basking shark has over 1,000 sharp teeth.
Some basking sharks migrate while others do not.
The basking shark is an endangered species.
Which of the following sentences show that the situation for pandas is improving?
Roads and railways criss-cross the pandas' habitat.
Correct answer: The panda population has risen to around 1,800.
Correct answer: A vast Giant Panda National Park was opened in 2020.
Pandas are sometimes accidentally killed by traps.
Which of the following are appropriate expanded noun phrases to replace 'bamboo' in a non-chronological report?
this big, crunchy plant
Correct answer: these thick, woody stems
Correct answer: this remarkable, fast-growing species
Match the nouns and adjectives to make word pairs to describe these features of pandas.
Correct Answer:teeth,strong


Correct Answer:eye markings,black


Correct Answer:fur,patterned


Match the nouns and adjectives to make word pairs to describe these features of pandas' diet and habitat.
Correct Answer:bamboo plants,vast, 45-metre-high

vast, 45-metre-high

Correct Answer:stems,almost-indigestible


Correct Answer:mountains,snow-covered


Match the nouns and adjectives to make word pairs to describe these pieces of subject-specific vocabulary.
Correct Answer:solitary,mammals


Correct Answer:canines,sharp


Correct Answer:molars,smooth, wide

smooth, wide

Correct Answer:indigestible,bamboo stems

bamboo stems

6 Questions

Which sentence contains parenthesis?
Bamboo is a fast-growing plant.
Correct answer: Bamboo, which is native to China, is a fast-growing plant.
Bamboo is a fast-growing plant found in China.
Which sentence has the parenthesis punctuated correctly with commas?
Pandas' fur which is black and white, has several functions.
Pandas' fur, which is black and white has several functions.
Correct answer: Pandas' fur, which is black and white, has several functions.
Which of these sentences contains a relative clause as the parenthesis?
The panda, a type of bear, is native to China.
Correct answer: The panda, which is a type of bear, is native to China.
The panda, an animal native to China, is a type of bear.
Which of these sentences combines these two facts correctly using parenthesis? Bamboo stems are thick and woody. They are hard to digest.
Correct answer: Bamboo stems, which are thick and woody, are hard to digest.
Bamboo stems are thick and woody and they are hard to digest.
Bamboo stems which are thick and woody, are hard to digest.
Which sentence uses brackets correctly for parenthesis?
Pandas (unlike any other bear have) a useful 'thumb'.
Pandas unlike (any other bear) have a useful 'thumb'.
Correct answer: Pandas (unlike any other bear) have a useful 'thumb'.
Which sentence uses brackets correctly to combine these facts? Bamboo can grow to great heights. These heights can reach 45 metres.
Bamboo can grow to great (heights up to 45 metres).
Correct answer: Bamboo can grow to great heights (up to 45 metres).
Bamboo can grow to great (heights up to 45 metres.