Year 6

Researching information about pandas' appearance and physical features

I can write notes about pandas' appearance and adaptations from a range of sources.

Year 6

Researching information about pandas' appearance and physical features

I can write notes about pandas' appearance and adaptations from a range of sources.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Information can be gathered from a range of different sources.
  2. Credibility of each source must be determined.
  3. Origin of a source must be cited.
  4. Full sentences are not required when writing in note form.
  5. Notes can be organised by theme using bullet points.

Common misconception

Pupils may try to write their 'notes' in full sentences.

Oral rehearsal of sentences using very short notes will help them in writing tasks using these facts.


  • Source - someone or something that supplies information

  • Credible - something that can be believed or trusted

  • Origin - where something starts or comes from

  • Theme - a central idea that the writer intends the audience to engage deeply with

  • Bullet points - punctuation marks that lay key information out in a non-fiction text

You may wish to play videos and provide extra images of pandas or to provide credible other sources of information for pupils to use for research.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following can be used to improve text cohesion?
Correct answer: joining separate sentences to make compound sentences
Correct answer: joining related ideas to make complex sentences
Correct answer: showing connections between ideas using fronted adverbials
using shorter words in your sentences
Which of the following is a compound sentence?
Although basking sharks have many teeth, they do not use them to eat.
Correct answer: Basking sharks have many teeth, but they do not use them to eat.
Basking sharks, which filter water for zooplankton, have many sharp teeth.
Which co-ordinating conjunction would best join these two sentences? 'Basking sharks reach 12m in length. They weigh up to six tonnes.'
Correct answer: and
Match each type of complex sentence to the example of a word that could begin its subordinate clause.
Correct Answer:adverbial complex sentence,because


Correct Answer:relative complex sentence,which


Correct Answer:non-finite complex sentence,reaching


Which sentences start with a fronted adverbial?
Correct answer: Because they are caught accidentally, basking sharks are endangered.
Basking sharks are endangered because they are caught accidentally.
Correct answer: Amazingly, the basking shark's liver is a quarter of its whole weight.
The basking shark's amazing liver is a quarter of its whole weight.
Match the types of fronted adverbial to the examples.
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,Consequently,


Correct Answer:formal fronted adverbial,On the other hand,

On the other hand,

Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,Interestingly,


6 Questions

What does it mean if a source of information is 'credible'?
It's really excellent to look at.
It's not trustworthy.
Correct answer: It's trustworthy.
Correct answer: It comes from a reliable source.
You are looking for facts about pandas online. Which of these sources is likely to be most credible?
A joke about pandas from a comedy video channel.
A comment on a video about pandas.
Correct answer: A video about pandas from a well-known TV station.
Which part of our non-chronological report is most likely to contain general information about pandas?
Correct answer: the introduction
the section about panda habitats
the section about pandas' diets
the section about pandas' appearance
Which fact about pandas is most likely to be placed in the introduction of a non-chronological report?
Pandas' white fur helps them camouflage in the snow.
Correct answer: Pandas are native to China.
Pandas can grow to 190 centimetres in length.
Pandas have a thick oesophagus to protect them from bamboo.
Which of the following are adaptations that help pandas survive?
Pandas weigh around 110kg.
Correct answer: Pandas have a 'thumb'.
Pandas live in China.
Correct answer: Pandas have extra-strong legs.
When we're researching, which of the following is it useful to do?
Correct answer: Check that our sources are credible.
Correct answer: Take bullet point notes about what we read.
Write in complete sentences.
Correct answer: Write in notes instead of complete sentences.