Year 6

Researching information about threats to pandas

I can write notes about threats that exist for pandas.

Year 6

Researching information about threats to pandas

I can write notes about threats that exist for pandas.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Information can be gathered from a range of different sources.
  2. Credibility of each source must be determined.
  3. Origin of a source must be cited.
  4. Established facts and relevant evidence can be used to strengthen the writer's position on a subject.
  5. Relevant statistics can enhance the evidence cited.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle with the nuanced idea that pandas' population declined and is now rising again.

Explain that pandas are revered in China and that huge efforts have gone into their conservation.


  • Subject-specific vocabulary - vocabulary we use when writing about a particular subject

  • Formal tone - the effect created by choosing serious, factual language

  • Threat - the possibility that something harmful or unwanted will happen

  • Statistics - a collection of numerical facts or measurements

  • Bullet points - punctuation marks used to lay out information in a non-fiction text

Supplement the information in the lesson with videos and news articles about panda conservation. You could look at the National Park on an aerial view and identify roads that might cause problems for pandas.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentences use an apostrophe for singular possession correctly?
Correct answer: A panda's diet is not very varied.
A pandas' diet is not very varied.
Correct answer: The giant panda's diet makes it hard for it to get enough energy.
The giant pandas' diet makes it hard for it to get enough energy.
Which sentence uses an apostrophe for plural possession correctly?
Panda's habitats have been destroyed.
Correct answer: Pandas' habitats have been destroyed.
650 pandas' live in captivity.
Which sentences use apostrophes for possession correctly?
Pandas' diet does not give it much energy.
Correct answer: Pandas' diets do not give them much energy.
Panda's diet does not give it much energy.
Correct answer: The panda's diet does not give it much energy.
Which of these sentences might belong in a paragraph based on the theme 'Pandas' habitat'?
Pandas have to conserve energy.
Correct answer: Pandas head to higher land in summer to be cooler.
Pandas struggle to digest their diet effectively.
Correct answer: Pandas previously lived in the lowlands too.
Which version below is an appropriate bullet point note about pandas' habitat?
In the winter, pandas move down the mountains in order to find warmer land.
When the snow comes, pandas seek out warmer areas to live in.
Correct answer: winter > lower > warmer
Which of the following facts give evidence that pandas have faced threats to their habitat?
Pandas head to warmer areas in winter and cooler areas in summer.
Correct answer: Pandas previously lived in the lowlands, but these habitats have been destroyed.
Pandas live exclusively in bamboo forests in China.

6 Questions

Which of the following is a statistic about pandas?
Pandas are extremely popular animals.
Pandas live in the bamboo forests of China.
Correct answer: There are 650 pandas living in captivity.
Many pandas live in captivity.
Which of the following sentences show a threat that pandas face to their population?
Correct answer: Roads and railways stop pandas finding new bamboo.
Correct answer: Building for tourism disturbs panda habitats.
Many panda reserves have been created.
Correct answer: Pandas get accidentally killed by poachers' traps.
Which of the following is an appropriate expanded noun phrase to replace 'pandas' in a non-chronological report?
Correct answer: these distinctive, solitary mammals
these lovely, cuddly bears
these teddy-bear-like beasts
Match the nouns and adjectives to make word pairs to describe these features of pandas.
Correct Answer:teeth,wide, smooth

wide, smooth

Correct Answer:eye markings,unique


Correct Answer:fur,black-and-white


Correct Answer:jaw muscles,tireless


Match the nouns and adjectives to make word pairs to describe these features of pandas' diet and habitat.
Correct Answer:bamboo plants,leafy


Correct Answer:stems,thick, woody

thick, woody

Correct Answer:mountains,heavily-forested


Match the nouns and adjectives to make word pairs to describe these pieces of subject-specific vocabulary.
Correct Answer:colouring,black-and-white


Correct Answer:torso,bulky, white

bulky, white

Correct Answer:indigestible,bamboo stems

bamboo stems

Correct Answer:vulnerable,mammals
