Year 6

Exploring cohesive devices in a model non-chronological report about an insect

I can identify cohesive devices that are used in a non-chronological report about an insect.

Year 6

Exploring cohesive devices in a model non-chronological report about an insect

I can identify cohesive devices that are used in a non-chronological report about an insect.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Text cohesion refers to how a text flows together to maintain the interest of the reader.
  2. We can improve text cohesion using cohesive devices that connect information within and between sentences.
  3. Compound and complex sentences can be used to join linked information in one sentence.
  4. Fronted adverbials can be used to show links between information in adjacent sentences.
  5. There are different types of complex sentence and fronted adverbials, which serve different purposes.

Common misconception

Pupils may have difficulty recognising that there are different types of complex sentence.

Different types of complex sentence contain different types of subordinate clause, each starting with a different type of word.


  • Text cohesion - how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve text purpose

  • Compound sentence - a sentence formed of two main clauses and a co-ordinating conjunction

  • Complex sentence - a sentence formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

Throughout the lesson, relate the use of different sentence structures to the improved text cohesion that they bring - they allow us to join ideas together to give the text coherence.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following expanded noun phrases could replace 'large mandibles' in a non-chronological report?
terrifying, gaping jaws
Correct answer: over-sized jaws
Correct answer: anter-like jaws
jaws as fearsome as a lion's mouth
Which of these sentences contain parenthesis?
Correct answer: The stag beetle (an insect) is the UK's largest beetle.
The female stag beetle has normal-sized jaws.
Correct answer: The stag beetle (the UK's largest beetle) lives in south east England.
Correct answer: The stag beetle lives in south east England (particularly in London).
Which of the following features would we not find in a non-chronological report?
Correct answer: a short poem describing the subject
Correct answer: dramatic descriptions of how the author sees the subject
Which of these features help the reader find information in a non-chronological report?
the conclusion
Correct answer: subheadings
paragraphs grouped around a theme
the title
Where in a non-chronological report are we most likely to find specific information about different aspects of the subject?
Correct answer: the sections with subheadings
the introduction
the conclusion
Which of these sentences could belong in a paragraph called 'Where are stag beetles found?'?
Stag beetles are an endangered species.
Correct answer: Adult stag beetles prefer to live in sunny oak woodlands.
Stag beetles are now protected by law.
Correct answer: The stag beetle larva lives underground for years.

6 Questions

Why do we want to improve text cohesion in our writing?
Correct answer: so that the text serves its purpose and informs the reader well
Correct answer: so that the text flows together well
Correct answer: so that we can show the reader how different pieces of information fit together
so that the text is longer
Which of these would we find in a compound sentence?
Correct answer: at least two main clauses
a subordinate clause
Correct answer: a co-ordinating conjunction
a relative pronoun
Which co-ordinating conjunction would best join the following two sentences? 'Male stag beetles have impressive mandibles. They do not use them for eating.'
Correct answer: but
Match each type of complex sentence to the type of word that begins its subordinate clause.
Correct Answer:relative complex sentence,relative pronoun (who, which, whose ...)

relative pronoun (who, which, whose ...)

Correct Answer:adverbial complex sentence,subordinating conjunction (as, because, while ...)

subordinating conjunction (as, because, while ...)

Correct Answer:non-finite complex sentence,-ing form of verb (using, allowing, measuring ...)

-ing form of verb (using, allowing, measuring ...)

Which is the best definition of a fronted adverbial?
a sentence starter
Correct answer: a sentence starter followed by a comma that can be a word, phrase or clause
a word, phrase or clause followed by a comma
Match each type of fronted adverbial to the correct examples.
Correct Answer:formal fronted adverbial,However, ... / In addition to this, ...

However, ... / In addition to this, ...

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,Due to this, ... / As a result of this, ...

Due to this, ... / As a result of this, ...

Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,Amazingly, ... / Of particular interest, ...

Amazingly, ... / Of particular interest, ...

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