Year 6

Generating ideas for parenthesis in a report about a penguin

I can say and write ideas for parenthesis using information about macaroni penguins.

Year 6

Generating ideas for parenthesis in a report about a penguin

I can say and write ideas for parenthesis using information about macaroni penguins.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Parenthesis can be achieved with a range of punctuation, including brackets and commas.
  2. Any type of parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.
  3. Brackets are useful in non-fiction writing to add extra, factual information.
  4. Commas can demarcate a relative clause that is inserted into a sentence as parenthesis.
  5. Commas are also useful to drop information into a clause.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it hard to decide where to insert parenthesis into a sentence.

The parenthesis will usually follow the noun or noun phrase it adds extra information about.


  • Parenthesis - additional information that is added to a sentence; if it is removed, the sentence still makes sense

  • Brackets - a punctuation mark used to add extra, factual information in a clause

  • Commas - punctuation used to demarcate a relative clause

  • Relative clause - a type of subordinate clause that starts with a relative pronoun

  • Text cohesion - how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve text purpose

Encourage pupils to experiment orally with different positions for the parenthesis to see and hear what 'sounds right'.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following is a statistic about stag beetles?
The larva feeds on decaying wood.
Correct answer: The larva grows to lengths of up to 11 centimetres.
The adult beetle lives for only a few months.
The female beetle does not have oversized mandibles.
Which of the following are threats faced by macaroni penguins?
Correct answer: Climate change is reducing krill numbers.
There are monitoring programmes at breeding colonies.
Correct answer: Fishing has reduced the amount of krill and fish.
Many penguins can't be visited by humans.
Which of the following are appropriate expanded noun phrases to replace 'krill' in a non-chronological report?
delicious creatures
Correct answer: tiny crustaceans
disgusting, slimy animals
Match the adjectives and nouns to make word pairs to describe the features of macaroni penguins.
Correct Answer:tightly-packed,feathers


Correct Answer:orange-brown,bill


Correct Answer:distinctive, yellow,crest


Correct Answer:oily,secretions


Match the adjectives and nouns to make expanded noun phrases to describe the features of macaroni penguins' diet and habitat.
Correct Answer:shallow, rock-lined,scrape


Correct Answer:crowded, populous,colony


Correct Answer:protected,reserves


Correct Answer:commercial,fishing


Which adjective pair best describes the macaroni penguin's body?
streamlined, thin
oily, tightly-packed
distinctive, powerful
Correct answer: streamlined, well-insulated

6 Questions

Which sentence contains parenthesis?
Macaroni penguins live in the Southern Ocean.
Correct answer: The penguins, which live in the Southern Ocean, are a vulnerable species.
The macaroni penguin is a vulnerable species.
Which sentence has the parenthesis punctuated correctly with commas?
The penguin's body, which is well-insulated is very streamlined.
The penguin's body which is well-insulated, is very streamlined.
Correct answer: The penguin's body, which is well-insulated, is very streamlined.
Which of these sentences contains a relative clause as the parenthesis?
The penguin, a member of the Eudyptes family, is known for its yellow crest.
Correct answer: The penguin, which is a member of the Eudyptes family, is known for its crest.
Krill, the main component of their diet, are declining in number
Which of these sentences combines the two following facts correctly using parenthesis? 'Krill make up the bulk of the penguin's diet.'; 'They are tiny crustaceans.'
Correct answer: Krill, which are tiny crustaceans, make up the bulk of the penguin's diet.
Krill make up the bulk of the penguin's diet and they are tiny crustaceans.
Krill which are tiny crustaceans, make up the bulk of the penguin's diet.
Which sentence uses brackets correctly for parenthesis?
The macaroni penguin (unlike many other species is vulnerable to extinction.
Correct answer: The macaroni penguin (unlike many other species) is vulnerable to extinction.
The macaroni penguin (unlike many other species is vulnerable) to extinction.
Which sentence uses brackets correctly to combine the following two facts? 'The penguins live in large colonies.'; 'The colonies have up to 100,000 birds.'
The penguins live in large colonies of up to (100,000 birds).
The penguins live in large colonies of (up to 100,000 birds).
Correct answer: The penguins live in large colonies (of up to 100,000 birds).