Year 6

Publishing a non-chronological report about a penguin

I can publish a non-chronological report about macaroni penguins with an accompanying illustration.

Year 6

Publishing a non-chronological report about a penguin

I can publish a non-chronological report about macaroni penguins with an accompanying illustration.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Publishing our work is the final stage of the writing process where we prepare our writing ready for an audience to see.
  2. Published work should be written in clear, joined handwriting with letters that start on the line.
  3. A published non-chronological report will usually include a picture or diagram.
  4. We indent each new paragraph and underline subheadings with a ruler and we follow any appropriate layout conventions.

Common misconception

Pupils may have negative attitudes towards publishing their work.

Publishing becomes highly motivating when there is a real audience for the work - for instance, you could copy the reports and illustrations and gather them into a presentation book that can be taken home by each child in turn.


  • Publishing - the process of producing written content available for an audience

  • Audience - the person who reads our work

  • Layout - the way the information is organised on the page

  • Visual aid - a graph, chart, image or diagram that enhances understanding in non-fiction texts

  • Caption - a brief description accompanying an image that gives extra context

You may decide to only publish certain sections of the report. For the written work, a slide is left intentionally lined for you to model publishing expectations to the class (or you may wish to simply show a model piece of work with a visualiser).
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What punctuation needs to be added to this sentence? While one parent incubates the egg the other forages at sea.
two commas
a full stop
Correct answer: a comma
Which fronted adverbial could join these two sentences? The penguin has strong flippers that help it swim. It has solid bones that help it dive deeper.
Because of this,
Correct answer: In addition,
As a result,
Which versions of the sentence are correctly punctuated?
The penguin a flightless bird, is well-adapted to its habitat.
Correct answer: The penguin, a flightless bird, is well-adapted to its habitat.
Correct answer: The penguin (a flightless bird) is well-adapted to its habitat.
The penguin a flightless bird, is well-adapted to its habitat.
Which co-ordinating conjunction could be added to join these two sentences? The penguin will eat various sea animals. It depends heavily on krill to survive.
Correct answer: but
Which passages have good text cohesion?
One parent incubates the egg. It relies on its fat stores to survive.
Correct answer: One parent incubates the egg, relying on its fat stores to survive.
Correct answer: As one parent incubates the egg, it relies on its fat stores to survive.
Which sentence uses vocabulary most appropriately for a non-chronological report?
These penguins really know how to swim!
Correct answer: Penguins are well-adapted to swimming in the ocean.
Aren't penguins great at swimming?

6 Questions

Which of these might we do when publishing our work?
change lots of words and whole sections of text
Correct answer: use a sensible layout to help our audience read it
Correct answer: include diagrams with captions
Correct answer: use clear, joined handwriting
What is the purpose of a caption?
to describe exactly what we see in the picture
Correct answer: to add extra detail to what is shown in the picture
to label features inside the picture
Match the keywords to their purpose.
Correct Answer:caption,to add extra detail linked to the image

to add extra detail linked to the image

Correct Answer:diagram,to give the reader a mental image of an important thing in our report

to give the reader a mental image of an important thing in our report

Correct Answer:labels,to draw attention to important parts of the object

to draw attention to important parts of the object

Match these layout and publishing features of a non-chronological report to their purpose.
Correct Answer:title,to allow the audience to know the subject of the report

to allow the audience to know the subject of the report

Correct Answer:subheading,to allow the audience to find information easily on a particular theme

to allow the audience to find information easily on a particular theme

Correct Answer:neat handwriting,to allow the audience to read the text easily

to allow the audience to read the text easily

Correct Answer:spacing between paragraphs,to allow the audience to see where sections begin and end

to allow the audience to see where sections begin and end

True or false? All non-chronological reports will follow the same structure.
Correct Answer: false, False, fols, Fols
Which of the following are useful strategies for checking spellings we are unsure of?
Correct answer: counting the sounds and syllables
Correct answer: checking in a dictionary
Correct answer: trying out alternatives to see what 'looks right'
just guess