Year 6

Writing further specific sections of a non-chronological report about a penguin

I can write the ‘habitat’ and ‘diet’ sections of a non-chronological report about macaroni penguins, using a range of cohesive devices.

Year 6

Writing further specific sections of a non-chronological report about a penguin

I can write the ‘habitat’ and ‘diet’ sections of a non-chronological report about macaroni penguins, using a range of cohesive devices.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Information in a section becomes more specific and detailed as the section goes on.
  2. Facts written in a section should be researched and organised prior to writing.
  3. A range of cohesive devices helps us to link facts within and between sentences.
  4. Before we write, we should orally rehearse sentences to ensure our sentences make sense and flow well.
  5. Parenthesis, varied sentence types and a range of fronted adverbials are all cohesive devices that can be used.

Common misconception

Pupils may struggle to choose appropriate cohesive devices to connect ideas.

Give pupils access to the Cohesive Devices Bank throughout their writing.


  • Text cohesion - how a text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve text purpose

  • Cohesive devices - language structures that develop text cohesion

  • Subheading - a phrase, word or sentence used to introduce a section of a text

  • Introductory sentence - a sentence used at the start of a paragraph


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6 Questions

Match the types of cohesive device to the examples.
Correct Answer:parenthesis,Oil secretions, which waterproof the feathers, help keep them warm.

Oil secretions, which waterproof the feathers, help keep them warm.

Correct Answer:compound sentence,Their blubber layer insulates them and their flippers help them swim.

Their blubber layer insulates them and their flippers help them swim.

Correct Answer:complex sentence,Because they have a blubber layer, they can stay warm.

Because they have a blubber layer, they can stay warm.

Correct Answer:fronted adverbial,Consequently, they are able to survive in the cold ocean.

Consequently, they are able to survive in the cold ocean.

Which of these examples correctly connects these ideas? The penguins have a rough tongue. They can grip their slippery prey.
The penguins have a rough tongue because they can grip their slippery prey.
Correct answer: The penguins have a rough tongue so that they can grip their slippery prey.
The penguins have a rough tongue even though they can grip their slippery prey.
Which of the following could be an introductory sentence for an adaptations section of a non-chronological report?
Penguins have tightly-packed feathers.
Penguins have solid bones that help them to dive deep.
Correct answer: Penguins are well-adapted to their ocean habitat.
The penguins have a streamlined body.
Which cohesive device has been used here? The penguin has a thick, orange-brown bill. As well as this, it has pink legs and feet.
Correct answer: fronted adverbial
compound sentence
complex sentence
Which option below combines this information correctly to improve text cohesion? Their belly plumage is white. The feathers on their back are black.
Because their belly plumage is white, the feathers on their back are black.
Correct answer: While their belly plumage is white, the feathers on their back are black.
Their belly plumage is white. Due to this, the feathers on their back are black.
Which fronted adverbials could join these two ideas? The penguin is known for its yellow crest. This does not develop until later in their life.
As a result,
Correct answer: Interestingly,
In addition,
Correct answer: However,

6 Questions

Match the type of fronted adverbial to the example.
Correct Answer:fronted adverbial of cause,As a result,

As a result,

Correct Answer:formal fronted adverbial,However,


Correct Answer:viewpoint fronted adverbial,Interestingly,


Choose two options that successfully combine these two ideas in a compound sentence. The penguins spend half the year at sea. They come ashore to breed.
Correct answer: The penguins spend half the year at sea, but they come ashore to breed.
Correct answer: The penguins spend half the year at sea and they come ashore to breed.
The penguins spend half the year at sea, or they come ashore to breed.
The penguins spend half the year at sea although they come ashore to breed.
How could these two ideas be combined in a complex sentence? One parent sits on the egg. The other forages at sea.
Because one parent sits on the egg, the other forages at sea.
One parent sits on the egg so that the other forages at sea.
Correct answer: One parent sits on the egg while the other forages at sea.
One parent sits on the egg even though the other forages at sea.
Choose two options that successfully connect these two sentences with a fronted adverbial. The penguin mostly eats krill. It sometimes consumes small fish.
Correct answer: The penguin mostly eats krill. In addition, it sometimes consumes small fish.
The penguin mostly eats krill. Due to this, it sometimes consumes small fish.
Correct answer: The penguin mostly eats krill. However, it sometimes consumes small fish.
The penguin mostly eats krill. As a result, it sometimes consumes small fish.
Which example combines these ideas using parenthesis correctly? The macaroni penguin largely survives on krill. Krill is a small crustacean.
The macaroni penguin largely survives on krill (a small crustacean.
The macaroni penguin largely survives on (krill a small crustacean).
Correct answer: The macaroni penguin largely survives on krill (a small crustacean).
Which of the following passages have good text cohesion?
The penguin is sociable. It can use noises to communicate.
Correct answer: The penguin, which is sociable, can use noises to communicate.
Correct answer: The penguin (a sociable creature) can use noises to communicate.
Correct answer: The penguin is sociable, using noises to communicate.

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