Year 6

Writing the introduction of a non-chronological report about a penguin

I can write the introduction of a non-chronological report about macaroni penguins using cohesive devices.

Year 6

Writing the introduction of a non-chronological report about a penguin

I can write the introduction of a non-chronological report about macaroni penguins using cohesive devices.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A non-chronological report is written to inform the reader about a subject or event out of time order.
  2. The introduction of a non-chronological report summarises the general information about the subject.
  3. Within the introduction, text that flows well and cohesively is important.
  4. Text cohesion can be achieved by using a range of cohesive devices.
  5. We can use compound sentences, complex sentences, fronted adverbials and parenthesis as cohesive devices.

Common misconception

Pupils may find it difficult to select which facts to connect using cohesive devices.

Give pupils plenty of time to orally rehearse grouping information together using different cohesive devices.


  • Text cohesion - refers to how text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve the text's purpose

  • Cohesive devices - language structures that contribute to text cohesion

  • Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma

  • Parenthesis - additional information that can be removed from a sentence

  • Complex sentence - a sentence composed of a main clause and any type of subordinate clause

When modelling the writing in the second learning cycle, ensure that you allow time for partner talk to generate ideas. Model making errors in transcribing sentences and model correcting these by careful re-reading.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which sentence contains parenthesis?
The macaroni penguin is a vulnerable species.
Correct answer: The macaroni penguin, a member of the family Eudyptes, is a vulnerable species.
The macaroni penguin is a member of the family Eudyptes.
Which sentence has the parenthesis punctuated correctly with commas?
Correct answer: The penguin, which is 70 centimetres in length, weighs around 3.5 kilograms.
The penguin, which is 70 centimetres in length weighs around 3.5 kilograms.
The penguin which is 70 centimetres in length, weighs around 3.5 kilograms.
Which of these sentences contains a relative clause as the parenthesis?
The penguin, a flightless bird, is well-adapted for swimming.
Correct answer: The penguin, which spends half the year at sea, is well-adapted for swimming.
The penguin's nest, a shallow dent, is called a 'scrape'.
Which of the sentences combines the two following facts correctly using parenthesis? 'The penguin's body is well-insulated.'; 'It is very streamlined.'
The penguin's body is well-insulated and it is very streamlined.
The penguin's body, which is very streamlined is well-insulated.
Correct answer: The penguin's body, which is very streamlined, is well-insulated.
Which sentence uses brackets correctly for parenthesis?
Krill (a tiny crustacean forms) the bulk of the penguin's diet.
Correct answer: Krill (a tiny crustacean) forms the bulk of the penguin's diet.
Krill (a tiny crustacean forms the bulk) of the penguin's diet.
Which sentence uses brackets correctly to combine the two following facts? 'Colonies are found across three continents.'; 'Colonies are groups of up to 100,000 penguins.'
Correct answer: Colonies (groups of up to 100,000 penguins) are found across three continents.
Colonies groups (of up to 100,000 penguins) are found across three continents.
Colonies (groups of up to 100,000) penguins are found across three continents.

6 Questions

Which is the best definition of good text cohesion?
writing that is separated into lots of short sentences
Correct answer: writing that flows together well
writing that has fewer full stops
Which co-ordinating conjunction could be used to join the following two sentences? 'Humans do not hunt macaroni penguins.'; 'Our actions affect them indirectly.'
Correct answer: but
Which sentence best combines the following two ideas? 'The penguins have large fat stores.'; 'They can fast for long periods.'
Correct answer: Because the penguins have large fat stores, they can fast for long periods.
Even though the penguins have large fat stores, they can fast for long periods.
When the penguins have large fat stores, they can fast for long periods.
Which sentence combines the following ideas using a non-finite (-ing) clause? 'The penguin can dive for long periods.'; 'It lasts several minutes without air.'
The penguin can dive for long periods (up to several minutes).
The penguin can dive for long periods and lasts several minutes without air.
Correct answer: The penguin can dive for long periods, lasting several minutes without air.
Which fronted adverbial could connect the following two sentences? 'The penguins have a thick blubber layer.'; 'They can survive cold temperatures.'
Correct answer: Due to this,
Despite this,
Select the parts of a non-chronological report that include general information about the subject.
Correct answer: conclusion
diet section
habitat section
Correct answer: introduction

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