Year 3

Performing 'There are things that lurk in the library' by Joseph Coelho

I can perform the poem ‘There are Things that Lurk in the Library’ by Joseph Coelho.

Year 3

Performing 'There are things that lurk in the library' by Joseph Coelho

I can perform the poem ‘There are Things that Lurk in the Library’ by Joseph Coelho.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Performing poetry to an audience is an important part of the process of creating poetry.
  2. When performing poetry, you can vary your volume, pace and use gestures to have an impact on the audience.
  3. Deciding upon and creating a desired atmosphere is important when performing poetry.
  4. We can improve our performances of poetry through practice.

Common misconception

Pupils may think a person can be 'good' or 'bad' at performing.

Explain that successful performances need practice, like any skill. By identifying the elements that contribute to a successful performance, we can then practise them.


  • Atmopshere - the mood created in a section or whole of a text

  • Volume - the loudness or softness of the voice when speaking or reading a poem

  • Pace - the speed or rhythm at which a poem is read or performed

  • Gesture - a movement that helps express an idea or meaning

You may wish to use a video of Joseph Coelho performing the poem himself. This can be found online.
Teacher tip


You need a copy of the poem ‘There are Things that Lurk in the Library’, which is in the 2017 Otter-Barry Books edition of ‘Overheard in a Tower Block’ by Joseph Coelho, for this lesson.


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6 Questions

True or false? 'Overheard in a Tower Block' was Joseph Coelho's first published book of poetry.
Correct Answer: false, False
Put the following events that occur in the poem in order.
1 - The poet describes the mysterious presence of “things” hiding in the library.
2 - The poet tells the reader that there are stories inside them.
3 - The poet advises the reader to craft their personal story carefully.
Which of these is a definiton for the word 'lurk'?
a large body of water
to dance and sing
Correct answer: to creep around, hide and wait to attack
True or false? Everyone will have the same feelings and impressions from a poem.
Correct Answer: false, False
Which of these are examples of figurative language?
Correct answer: similes
capital letters
Correct answer: personification
Correct answer: metaphors
fronted adverbials
True or false? Personification is a way of describing a non-living thing as if it acts or feels like a human.
Correct Answer: true, True

6 Questions

True or false? Poems are not for performing.
Correct Answer: false, False
Fill in the blank. An __________ is a group of people gathered together to watch or listen to a performance.
Correct answer: audience
True or false? We do not need to think about how we will deliver our poem.
Correct Answer: false, False
Fill in the blank: The __________ is the mood created in a section or whole of a text.
Correct answer: atmosphere
True or false? Volume refers to the loudness or softness of the voice when speaking or reading a poem.
Correct Answer: true, True
Match these to show what varying the volume or pace of our voice can do.
Correct Answer:loud volume,shows excitement or intensity

shows excitement or intensity

Correct Answer:soft volume,shows calmness or mystery

shows calmness or mystery

Correct Answer:fast pace,exciting feeling

exciting feeling

Correct Answer:slow pace,calmer, more peaceful feeling

calmer, more peaceful feeling