Considering perspective in 'Sweet Jamaica'
I can explore the meaning of a song.
Considering perspective in 'Sweet Jamaica'
I can explore the meaning of a song.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- 'Sweet Jamaica' was written by Lord Kitchener in London, 1952, four years after his arrival on HMT Empire Windrush.
- ‘Sweet Jamaica’ shows a change in perspective from Lord Kitchener, after he had spent time in London.
- The song creates negative imagery in its lyrics, portraying themes of regret, nostalgia and homesickness.
- By exploring the context, themes and perspectives, we can gain a better understanding of the song.
Imagery - the use of vivid and sensory language that appeals to the reader's senses, creating vivid mental pictures and enhancing the emotional impact of the poem
Perspective - the point of view or position from which the artist writes, influencing the way events or ideas are portrayed and understood
Theme - a big idea, topic or message that recurs within a text
Context - the setting or background that helps us to understand something better
Common misconception
Pupils may feel that the Windrush experience was overly negative. Many people from the Caribbean experienced racial discrimination and found themselves in very challenging circumstances.
There were some positives that occurred as a result, including the setting up of the Notting Hill Carnival. Pupils may wish to explore this further.
You need a copy of the lyrics & recording of ‘Sweet Jamaica’ by Lord Kitchener which is featured on the 2013 Honest Jon’s Records album ‘London Is The Place For Me’ for this lesson.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
a booklet issued during times when it was hard to get hold of items
traditional Jamaican dish made from the fruit ackee and salted cod
a well-known tourist destination in Jamaica
use of vivid and sensory language that appeals to the reader's senses
the point of view or position from which the artist writes
a big idea, topic or message that recurs within a text
the setting or background that helps us to understand something better